2021 QLD Landcare Awards
CONGRATULATIONS 2022 National Individual Landcarer
Walter Mayr!
All the State winners progressed to the National Landcare Awards in Sydney August 2022 – Wal Mayr was the only Qld Winner.
The QLD State Winners have been announced! CONGRATULATIONS!
There were 35 Nominees for the 2021 Queensland Landcare Awards across 8 categories!
The Awards Ceremony was held Saturday February 19, 2022, 11am – 12.30pm AEST in an online event that recognised the spectacular achievements of land and water carers from across Queensland.
See Who Won in the Powerpoint Presentation. See their stories and all the nominee’s stories below! Congratulations to all!
Alexander Davies
Alexander has been instrumental in the redevelopment of the College’s Gully precinct, an area that connects the Brisbane River with the property of Ambrose Treacy College. Since his early days as a student he drove the project, overseeing the application of council grants and local environmental group assistance, which has led to a point where currently, hundreds of ATC students and families have been involved in the ongoing maintenance and redevelopment of this beautiful natural habitat
Allora Landcare Group
Since its inception, 32 years ago the Allora Landcare Group has evolved with the trends of the Landcare movement during this time and particular interests of the membership group. Initially, it was innovative farming practices of the era, including ‘Zero Til’ and construction of contour banks. Tree plots and weed control on farming land was a priority. From here, the group moved to creek bank stabilisation and then took a keen interest in the Allora Mountain Flora and Fauna Reserve. More recently dedicated volunteers are working to improve the local environment through education to the wider community, particularly Cultural Heritage and the Allora Mountain Flora and Fauna Reserve.
Andrew Glen
Andrew Glen is a Qualified Golf Course Superintendent and has worked in the industry for over 35 years. He has worked on golf courses and turf facilities throughout the globe. KDV Sport is a multi-faceted sports facility and hotel located on a flood plain with a sensitive waterway running through the property leading to the Nerang River. The large population of native wildlife has continually increased over the past four years. Andrew decided the best approach to manage this large and diverse property located on such a sensitive area, would be to implement a full organic program which would eliminate any risks to the local environment.
Bat Care Capricornia Inc
Since 2019 Bat Care Capricornia has rescued and cared for hundreds of flying foxes (both mega and micro chiroptera species). Prior to the formation of the group there was only rescues from the Rockhampton group some half an hour drive away. The flying fox colony which resides in Yeppoon mangroves are subject to the effects of climate change and are constantly under threat. Mums are dropping bubs earlier in the season making for an increased number of orphans and requires Bat Care Capricornia to rescue, rehabilitate and release, a process that can take up to 10 months. The bats can only be released when conditions in the natural environment are suitable.
Capricorn Coast Landcare
WINNER The Coastcare Award
Based in Yeppoon the Capricorn Coast Landcare was established in 1987 by Alby Woller and a group of friends. The Junior Landcare programme began in 1997 in local schools around the area; a programme that has since spread not only nationally, but also globally. In 2005 he received numerous Landcare and citizen awards for his efforts. Since Alby passed away in 2017 we have maintained the Envirotrail in the grounds of Yeppoon State School and extended the Fig Tree Creek regeneration. Last year we also began a Coastcare project on the dunes at Farnborough Beach.
Clifton Landcare Group Inc
Since its incorporation in 1997 Clifton Landcare Group has pursued its primary objective to draw the attention of the local community to the need to use sound land utilisation and conservation practices. In 1999 we were delighted that the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) and Clifton Shire Council declared the Leyburn Roadside woodland as a Nature Refuge to protect the endangered Bulloak Jewel Butterfly, Hypochrysops piceata, the second rarest butterfly in Australia, from destruction of its habitat. At that time, we became acquainted with Dr Don Sands, CSIRO entomologist (retired) and his research into this elusive, rare species, attending the field days and site visits he conducted.
Coastal Dry Tropics Landcare Inc
Coastal Dry Tropics Landcare Inc has been operating in Townsville for over 25 years. 10 to 20 volunteers from ages 30 to 70+ meet every Friday and Saturday at our Bush Garden native plant nursery to learn about and undertake nursery duties; such as weeding, potting up, watering plants, customer service, mulching and fertilising, along with general nursery administration work such as stocktaking. Recently the group had to relocate their Bush Garden Nursery from Mundingburra to Rowes Bay which involved a lot of physical and mentally draining work for the volunteers within 4 weeks.
Denzil Brunner
Denzil is a semi-retired gentleman who joined the Central Moreton Bay Chapter of OzFish Unlimited Ltd three years ago. Denzil was motivated to join by a love of Moreton Bay and a disappointment about the current state of the Bay’s previously common shellfish reefs. The Moreton Bay Chapter’s shellfish reef restoration project aims to restore shellfish reefs to Moreton Bay that have been decimated in earlier years by indiscriminate mining of oysters and other shellfish to provide calcium related materials for building products. The project is based on land at Port Gate provided by the Port of Brisbane at no cost.
Emily Davies
Emily is co founder of the Modern Generation which is a youth-run not for profit organisation, formed at the start of 2021. Our goal is to influence/inspire as many young people to act on causes they are passionate about. We work towards this goal by running fundraising concerts/events and involving passionate young adults in the community. This year we have organised two fundraisers for the Australian Marine Conservation Society; one in May where we raised $1626 and another in September where we raised over $3000.
Esma Armstrong, OAM
HIGHLY COMMENDED The Australian Government Partnerships for Landcare Award
The Maroochy Landcare Group has delivered incentive based projects, on behalf of Seqwater to farmers in the South Maroochy catchment areas, on the basis of improving water quality running into the catchment dams, which provide drinking water to the Sunshine Coast. The MLG FarmWELL program is contracted under partnership with Seqwater, and has been successfully operated for many years, under the stewardship of Esma Armstrong (OAM). It typically provides partial landholder incentive funding for fencing of waterways, to keep stock out of them, and provides other infrastructure such as a water systems for trough supply, and internal fencing to enable improved pastures around rotational grazing methods to improve ground cover.
Friends of Federation Walk
HIGHLY COMMENDED The Coastcare Award
Friends of Federation Walk is a Sub Committee of the Main Beach Progress Association. The Spit, on the Gold Coast is a mix of commercial development, recreational parkland, and coastal vegetation, mostly separated by Seaworld Drive. Gold Coast City Council is Trustee for Philip Park, a significant dunal area . In 1997 a project was created for a Management Plan for Philip Park, known now as Federation Walk Coastal Reserve (FWCR), on the eastern side of The Spit. This Management Plan guided the revegetation and management of the Coastal Reserve with support and involvement of the Gold Coast City Council and Department of Natural Resources.
Jamboree Residents Association
HIGHLY COMMENDED The ACM (Australian Community Media) Community Group Award
Jamboree Residents Association formed in 2009 to address construction and development issues of dust emissions, acidic water run off into Mt Ommaney Creek, trucks through suburban streets and high decibel noise emissions outside of nominated work hours. On exposing the D.A. Condition violations to Centre Management, the digressions were rectified. 100+ members lobbied for 3km footpaths and council re-bituminised 2km streets plus addressed many other issues which needed attention. Subsequent projects include removal of illegal residential dump waste, creation of an environment reserve in a neglected road verge section, revegetation of ½ hectare of land including Mt Ommaney Creek Detention Basin.
John Pratt
The late John Pratt was a community champion and tireless advocate for the betterment of primary production, natural resource management and social inclusion for the Traprock region of Southern Queensland. John, with his wife Julie, was a sheep and wool grower, beef producer and a pioneer of stonefruit growing. He advocated for the establishment of the Traprock community hall to bring his community closer together. Their resilience was exemplified, having endured crippling drought, severe hail storms and sustained losses from wild dogs. John was tragically killed in a farm accident in 2020. Julie has carried on with the running of the property, with the support of their three children.
Keelen Mailman (Bidjara) and Haydn Kreicbergs (Santos)
This nomination is to recognise the Bidjara community, the Goorathuntha Traditional Owners, for the partnership they have formed with Australian energy company, Santos Ltd, to protect their land at Mt Tabor Station. It recognises Bidjara woman, Keelen Mailman who has managed the station since 1998, the Goorathuntha Tradtional owners Limited and Haydn Kreicbergs of Santos who has worked with Keelen to secure the partnership. The discussion for the agreement first commenced in 2018. The beautiful sandstone formations, caves, artwork and places of great spiritual significance – such as the Lost City at Mt Tabor – make this a very special destination for tourists.
Kelsey Harrigan
HIGHLY COMMENDED The Steadfast Young Landcare Leadership Award
Kelsey is a young Balnggarrawarra Traditional Owner from Normanby Station, north-west of Cooktown. Her family has been managing cattle and country on Normanby since the station was handed back to her great-grandfather in the 90’s. After completing boarding school in Toowoomba, Kelsey started working on the country as a Trainee-Ranger with her Dad and Uncles, learning a mix of traditional and modern land management techniques including weed control, fire management, erosion rehabilitation, and water monitoring. Kelsey has also completed a Certificate in Business Management, in hopes of building diverse skills to support her family and country into the future.
Laura Indigenous Land and Sea Rangers
WINNER The KPMG Indigenous Land Management Award
The Laura Indigenous Land and Sea Rangers are Traditional Owners for the Laura area who, guided by community Elders, undertake on ground works to protect country and culture in the Quinkan Country National Heritage area since 2010. The group employs three male and three female rangers ranging in age from an Elder to recent school graduates who manage Aboriginal freehold and leasehold country, a total area of 2,143 square kilometres. The group was initially funded to document the estimated 10,000 rock art sites surrounding the township of Laura in far north Queensland to develop conservation management plans and understand how sites connected within the landscape.
Mary River Catchment Coordinating Committee
The Mary River Catchment Coordination Association Coordinating Committee comprises interest sector representatives from 25 industry, community and government sectors with interests in sustainable natural resource management. The MRCCC was launched in 1993 and has reached out to thousands of catchment residents through stakeholder delegates and associated networks. The Mary River Catchment is one of the most diverse catchments in Queensland. It covers 9595 km2 from Maleny to Fraser Island and contains a population of over 200,000 people.
Millmerran C and K Kindergarten
ENCOURAGEMENT AWARD The Woolworths Junior Landcare Team Award
Local kindergarten group consisting of 18 children, aged 3 and 4 years, under the guidance of Mrs Robyn Cameron. They are involved in multiple aspects of Landcare activities with lessons addressing NRM issues from recycling and waste through to pollination and plant growth. Robyn gets kids out into the “field” conducting trips to local reserves and getting kids to explore and enjoy their natural world. With knowledge and understanding comes passion and understanding, so that is the basis of all Robyn’s teachings exuding her passion for all things “natural” from wildlife to water.
Nadia and Robert Campbell
WINNER The Australian Government Landcare Farming Award
Nadia and Robert Campbell are joint owners of Goondicum Pastoral Company and Goondicum Station, a 7000ha cattle property. In the 1950s, when the notions of conservation and sustainable land management was almost non-existent, the Campbell family began operating under the ethos that agriculture can coexist in balance with the natural environment – land that is protected and respected will in return yield the highest productivity. They have not only prevented the degradation of soils, native vegetation, and local wildlife on their property, but have turned the land around to the point where Goondicum Station now supports a variety of native regional ecosystems rich in Australian biodiversity.
Laura Indigenous Land and Sea Rangers
The Laura Indigenous Land and Sea Rangers manage their area of the Quinkan National Heritage landscape holistically, undertaking on-ground work in cultural heritage documentation, biodiversity survey and fire management with twelve years of partnerships to monitor water quality and flow in the Laura/Normanby Catchment which feeds the wetlands of Rinyirru (Lakefield) National Park and enters the Great Barrier Reef at Princess Charlotte Bay. Issues include sedimentation of traditional fishing holes and Story Places, pollution from farm chemicals, and decreased flow in the Laura River, increases in ground water extraction and dam construction to expand the upstream Lakeland irrigation area.
Normanby Land Management
The Normanby Land Management group is based on Normanby Station, 31,375ha in south-eastern Cape York. The return of Normanby Station in 1995 was a critical step in realising Balnggarrawarra reconnections to our ancestral homelands, securing our people’s place in our homeland, and building a stronger future for our young people. The Normanby Land Management was established 4 years ago to keep our sacred areas and significant places in as good a condition as possible, protect native plants and animals including the endangered Coix grass, and ensure that country was restored and properly managed using traditional and scientific methods to protect it from further damage.
Oakey Urban Landcare Group
Oakey Urban Landcare Group formed in 1995 from the Greening Oakey Committee as a sub group of North East Downs Landcare Group and developed a plan for improved natural resource management and town beautification. The group is focused on native flora and fauna conservation, pest plants and animals, community education and awareness in the urban area of Oakey particularly the riparian zone of Oakey Creek. Many hundreds of native trees have been planted. During 2020-21 Oakey Urban has obtained 30 hectares of land adjoining Stanley Street Park and have planted 500 native eucalypt fodder trees for Koala food and habitat.
Owen Connor Harris
WINNER The Steadfast Young Landcare Leadership Award
Owen’s interest in protecting the natural environment started around the age of three and a half on a trip to Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital. On that day Owen decided to raise money for the wildlife hospital and now at the age of six he has managed to raise over $20 thousand. He has raised funds for Quoin Island Turtle Rehabilitation Centre and Cooberie Park Wildlife Sanctuary. Owen is passionate, dedicated, hardworking, intelligent, authentic and inspirational. He wants others to join his mission for conservation and change the perception of kids and to understand that kids can be dedicated, show initiative and achieve more than adults normally give them credit for.
Pittsworth District Landcare Association Inc
Formed in May 1989, Pittsworth District Landcare Association has been active in local natural resource management projects, working within and alongside regional NRM networks. Its community projects have addressed a wide spectrum of issues across three key areas. Agricultural – erosion control, waterway repair, flood mitigation, property planning, salinity amelioration, crop productivity, regenerative agriculture, feral pest control, weed management, vegetation management, legislative changes. Educational – sponsorship and mentorship of high school students, excursions, city-country student exchanges, plant nurseries, school and community gardens. Biodiversity and conservation – revegetation, scientific research, submissions to development proposals. PDLA members have served in management and advocacy roles on regional, state and national Landcare bodies.
Rupert Russell
Rupert is a native of the central provinces of India where he first learned the marvels of the natural world from running with local fellows and learning bushcraft in the early 1950’s. He moved to Australia as a young man and has been involved with landcare and conservation activities for over 50 years. At the ripe old age of 70 Rupert decided to confront the local fire brigade who were in the habit of burning a local patch of bush every year for “practice”. He convinced them to leave the 5ha block in his care and he would ensure there was no fire hazard posed to our village of Mount Molloy.
South Burnett Grazing Network
HIGHLY COMMENDED The Australian Government Landcare Farming Award
The South Burnett Grazing Network has been operational for 25 years in South Eastern Queensland encouraging members to implement integrated, regenerative and holistic land management practices within a variety of production systems via courses, guest speakers, paddock meetings and an online presence. Activities focus on: Increasing growth and diversity of natural grasses, increasing soil nutrients and water retention to improve water quality and environmental health, grazing with diversity – for both flora and fauna; Accessing information that addresses erosion control, protecting soils with ground cover, weed pests, water resources, diversity in pastures and native vegetation; Improved management of livestock; and Improved management of Natural Resources.
Springfield Lakes Nature Care Inc
WINNER The ACM (Australian Community Media) Community Group Award
Since 2017 Springfield Lakes Nature Care has held activities that are proactive in removing litter from waterways, reducing erosion & sediment run-off in the catchment, consisting of 3 lakes & 3 major creeks, for a cleaner & greener suburb. Key projects included Clean Up Australia & Keep Qld Beautiful week events to raise awareness that our suburb was adding to marine debris; revegetation, conservation & protection of native flora & fauna in old logging and property development zones; partnering with Wildlife Preservation Society Qld (WPSQ) as part of Glider Corridor Network program; National Tree Day events; and establishing a Bushcare group with local Ipswich City Council.
Susie Duncan
HIGHLY COMMENDED The Australian Government Individual Landcarer Award
Susie’s achievements are due to her significant ecological knowledge and experience, relationship-building skills, and dedication to protecting and restoring ecosystems. She established Hinterland Bush Links (HBL) over 10 years ago; developed a strategic plan based on best available science, setting clear goals for biodiversity conservation that are outcome focussed and measurable; established and oversees The Upper Mary Valley Weed Vine project; inspired landholders undertake environmental work on their properties; engaged with traditional custodians on Indigenous land management; and advocated for for a new national park in collaboration with Conondale Conservation, Queensland National Parks Association, Sunshine Coast Environment Council, BirdLife Southern Queensland and others.
The West Moreton Landcare Group Inc
Some 10 years ago West Moreton Landcare initiated a revegetation program that involved propagating, planting and maintaining Australian native plants along 150m of the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail at Lowood. In 2015, this was extended another 500m after extensive consultation and partnerships involving all 3 levels of Government, businesses, community groups, volunteers & high school students. Donations and support from volunteers & their machinery have resulted in the near completion of the 6 stage revegetation program extending 1.6 km west. It includes a hikers & bikers trail, shade & block seats and a desilted dam which attracts native birds, mammals and bees.
Walter Mayr
WINNER The Australian Government Individual Landcarer Award
Wal Mayr has been a dedicated and knowledgeable Landcarer for over 40 years. Since the 1970s, and with his wife, they have restored a 25ha banana farm back to its original beauty and now home to a long list of endangered flora and fauna and part of the Gold Coast’s Land for Wildlife Program – receiving Nature Refuge status in 2012. Wal founded Austinville Landcare in 2005 which has restored 10km of creek line in the 17 years of its existence; is part of Gold Coast Hinterland Pest Management group; President of Watergum Community Inc; and secured almost $1 million dollars in grants.
Watergum Community Inc
Watergum’s philosophy is to work closely with the community in activities that make real improvements to the environment. We believe that by empowering the community to carry out practical work that makes a difference, that we will help people gain skills, knowledge and understanding which in turn will create a culture of valuing and caring for the Australian environment. Watergum does this by: Conducting Citizen Science Programs; Managing large environmental events; Managing community based Invasive species programs; Managing environmental restoration, revegetation and research projects; Facilitating kids workshops for council, schools and daycare; and Providing support to smaller unincorporated environmental groups.
Wildcare Emergency Hotline Team
The Wildcare Emergency Hotline Team are responsible for receiving over 20,000 calls each year from the general community relating to reports of sick, injured and orphaned wildlife. The Team is made up entirely of volunteers working from home – many for over 10 years and 20+ hours a week to ensure that this service is operated 24 hours a day, 7 days a week..Their role is to provide immediate advice to the community when they find a distressed native animal and to coordinate appropriate help for the animal through the Wildcare volunteer rescue network. The role can be very distressing as they work with distraught community members.
Woppaburra TUMRA Steering Committee
HIGHLY COMMENDED The KPMG Indigenous Land Management Award
The Woppaburra people are from a wider Whale Dreaming Indigenous Community around coastal Australia. It is our life-long cultural responsibility to protect our clan totem and its environment. The Traditional Use of Marine Resources Agreement (June 2014) runs for 10 years and the first offshore agreement of its kind. It covers Keppel Islands & surrounding sea country, 561 km2 of Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Under the agreement we will continue to develop and implement important sea country management initiatives in partnership with marine management agencies and other organisations. This includes working with scientists and researchers, managing traditional hunting protocols, monitoring of plants and animals and compliance training.
World Environment Day by SCEC
WINNER The Australian Government Partnerships for Landcare Award
After 41 years, World Environment Day Festival 2021 was re-imagined by the Sunshine Coast Environment Council into a month-long program of events and activities (43 in total), delivered in partnership with 22 organisations including a range of member groups, regenerative farms, councils and businesses. The theme was ‘ecosystem restoration’ and the program included immersive and interactive experiences such as tree plantings, weeding sessions, workshops and guided walks with community groups, providing a platform to engage with new audiences and attract new donors and volunteers. The collaboration provided a platform for smaller volunteer lead community groups to engage with a new audience under the World Environment Day Festival banner.
Yvonne Hennell
Yvonne moved to Gympie and shortly after came to Landcare as a volunteer in the office. She moved to Bio-Control, knowing nothing about the biological control of weeds through insects, but it became her passion. 7 years later, Yvonne is Biological Services Manager, a self taught entomologist and one of the region’s leading experts on the breeding, release and use of the Tingid bug, the Jewel beetle and the Madeira beetle to help deal with increasing environmental problem of cat’s claw creeper and Madeira vine. She is consulted by and offers assistance to various environmental organisations around this region.