National Landcare Network (NLN)

The National Landcare Network is the peak representative body for community Landcare groups across Australia. 

Landcare Australia

Landcare Australia is a national not-for-profit organisation that supports the landcare community with funding, capacity-building, on-ground projects, information, networking and promotion of landcare achievements.

Volunteering Queensland

Volunteering Queensland is the state peak body and lead voice for advancing and promoting volunteering in Queensland.

Queensland Farmers’ Federation

QFF is a federation that represents the interests of peak state and national agriculture industry organisations, which in turn collectively represent more than 13,000 primary producers across Queensland.

Our Community

Our Community is the engine room for creating and disseminating practical, affordable training, leadership, and technological solutions that allow not-for-profit and grantmaking organisations to get on with the crucial work of building stronger communities.

Justice Connect’s Not-for-profit Law program is a national legal service, offering free and affordable legal supports for not-for-profit organisations and social enterprises.

NRMjobs is a niche job board, which is the go-to place in Australia for jobs and opportunities in Environment, Water and Natural Resource Management.

Nursery & Garden Industry Queensland


Accounting for Nature

Regional Natural Resource Management Bodies – Queensland

NRM Regions Qld

NRM Regions Queensland (NRMRQ) is a Company Limited by Guarantee which has as its member base the 12 regional natural resource management (NRM) bodies in Queensland. The Board consists of the Chairs of 11 of the regional bodies, with the Torres Strait Regional Authority an associate member.

Burnett Mary Regional Group

The Burnett Mary Regional Group for Natural Resource Management Inc (BMRG) is the peak coordinating body for natural resource management in the Burnett Mary region.

Cape York Peninsula Development Association Inc. (CYPDA)

Formed in 1987 with its mission to enhance the quality of life of the people of Cape York Peninsula through economic and community development the CYPDA liaises with all sectors of government, and all relevant industry and business organisations to achieve its aims.

Desert Channels Qld

Desert Channels Queensland (DCQ) is a community-based natural resource management body that works to ensure a sustainable social, economic and environmental future for the Queensland section of the Lake Eyre Basin.

Fitzroy Basin Association (FBA)

The Fitzroy Basin Association Inc. (FBA) is a community-based organisation that promotes sustainable development in Central Queensland. FBA involves the region’s major natural resource management stakeholders who have an interest in the use and management of the natural resources of the Fitzroy Basin and the broader Central Queensland region.
The Association’s role is to promote sustainable development in the Fitzroy Basin through Integrated Catchment Management (ICM) processes.

Northern Gulf Resource Management Group Ltd (NGRMG)

Northern Gulf Resource Management Group Ltd (NGRMG)The Northern Gulf Resource Management Group Ltd (NGRMG) is a not-for-profit community based company that plans and advises on issues and best practice for natural resources in the Northern Gulf region by setting regional priorities and accessing funds for specified on-ground outcomes.
The Group’s target is an inclusive, proactive, integrated and cooperative approach to resource management using the framework developed in the strategic plan, and the resources identified in the regional investment plan.

NQ Dry Tropics

NQ Dry Tropics is a community based, not-for-profit organisation established in 2002 to deliver on-ground Natural Resource Management (NRM) and enhance the community’s involvement in those activities throughout the Burdekin Region

Reef Catchments

Reef Catchments is the Natural Resource Management (NRM) organisation for the Mackay Whitsunday region.   Their focus is on the sustainable management of the regions natural resources (land, water, biodiversity, coasts and marine assets) while maintaining a viable regional community.

Healthy Land and Water

Healthy Land and Water is an independent organisation dedicated to improving and protecting South East Queensland’s environment.


Southern Gulf Catchments

Southern Gulf Catchments is a community-based organisation tasked with strategic and sustainable natural resource management (NRM) planning and implementation in the southern Gulf of Carpentaria region.

Southern Queensland Landscapes

SQ Landscapes is a community owned organisation dedicated to helping landholders and others understand their landscapes, adapt to challenges and be excellent stewards of their land. We aim to attract investment, innovate, trial and develop approaches to assist people, industries and communities to improve our landscapes. Operating across 314, 398 square kilometres our region unites the Condamine Catchment, Queensland Murray-Darling Basin, South West and Mulga Lands.

Terrain NRM

Established in 2003, Terrain is a not-for- profit public company funded from a range of corporate, government and philanthropic sources. Current key funding programs include the Australian Government’s Caring for our Country Program and its key component Reef Rescue, which combined are worth some $16 million, which Terrain will administer on behalf of the region.
Terrain’s key role is to support implementation of the Regional NRM Plan by supporting action, facilitating funding and integrating effort to achieve sustainable communities and ecosystems in far north Queensland.

Torres Strait Regional Authority (TSRA)

The Torres Strait Regional Authority (TSRA) aims to strengthen the economic, social and cultural development of the Torres Strait to improve the lifestyle and wellbeing of Torres Strait Islanders and Aboriginal people living in the region. The Authority’s vision is to empower our people, in our decision, in our culture, for our future.