Member Group Resources

Naturally Together
Welcome and congratulations to our Queensland Water and Land Carers Inc. (QWaLC) member groups.
As we work to support our member groups and as we work together to support and enhance our environment and communities across Queensland it is important that we recognise our partnerships and that our funding bodies and stakeholders can see our amazing network.
These resources are designed to enable our member groups to promote their important work while recognising the support from QWaLC and its funding partners and our government agencies.
Our membership consists of over 500 groups and 40,000 members! You can follow all these groups yourself – OR – you can simply follow Queensland Water and Land Carers social media channels and get updates from across Queensland and beyond.
We are active on Facebook, Instagram, linkedIn and Twitter! Like or follow our pages to keep up to date and help diversify our networks. We have the capacity to grow our following substantially – and you can help!
Subscribe yourself or recommend to others in your group to subscribe to our E-news to keep up to date on important events, funding and programs.
Simply click on the icons to join us!
Subscribe to our Enews
Subscribe yourself or recommend to others in your group to subscribe to our E-news to keep up to date on important events, funding and programs. Simply click on the icons to join us!
Your stories are our stories. ‘Tag’ QWaLC in your social media so we can share your stories. See the list below for the correct tags.
Make sure our key partners join us in celebrating your work. ‘Tag’ important funding agencies and Landcare organisations so more people see what you’re achieving and can share your stories to a broader audience!
Organisation |
Queensland Water and Land Carers |
National Landcare Network | @NationalLandcareNetwork | @networklandcare | @NationalLandcareNetwork |
Landcare Australia Limited | @landcareaustralia | @LandcareAust | @landcareaustralia |
Australian Government | @Ausgov | @Ausgov | @Ausgov |
Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water |
Queensland Government | @QLDgov | @QLDgov | @QLDgov |
Queensland Agriculture | @QldAgriculture | @DAFQld | @QldAgriculture |
Queensland Environment | @QldEnvironment | @QldEnvironment | |
State and Territory Organisations |
@landcarevictoriaincorporated @Landcarewa @LandcareNSW @LandcareSA @QueenslandWaterandLandCarers @landcareact @LandcareTasmania @landcarent |
@landcarevic @Landcarewa @LandcareNSW @LandcareSA @QWaLC
@queenslandwaterandlandcarers @landcareact
Using ‘hashtags’ can bring in an audience interested in what your promoting!
These 3 link you directly to your statewide network QWaLC!
#Landcare #Queensland #QWaLCmember
To bring further attention to your area of focus use some like these examples:
#community #environment #agriculture #biodiversity #grassroots #waterhealth #firstnations #soils #coastcare #threatenedspecies #volunteers #sustainable #naturalresourcemanagement #whocareswecarelandcare
As one of our member groups you can acknowledge the support of Queensland Water and Land Carers by using our logo where appropriate.
You can also acknowledge our partnership by using appropriate text in your communications, emails or promotional material such as:
Proud member of Queensland and Water Land Carers
Supported by Queensland and Water Land Carers
Download our logo below. If you need another version e.g. print quality, just contact us.
Logo Use and Guidelines
Correct and incorrect uses
In order to preserve the integrity of the Global Landcare logo and name, it is important to follow these guidelines:
DO use the full colour logo where possible
DO display the logo on a white or neutral background where possible
DO ensure that there is enough space around the logo to separate it from other elements on the page
DO ensure that the text is clear and legible
DO ensure that the logo is not pixelated or too low resolution.
DO NOT distort or stretch the logo
DO NOT put the logo too close to other elements on the page
DO NOT put the logo over busy or similar coloured backgrounds where the words are not legible.
DO NOT put the logo on bright or strong coloured backgrounds which clash with the logo colours or make the words illegible

The logo is clearly visible on a white background
The logo is clear and legible against the background photo
The logo is not clearly legible and is lost in the background
The logo is distorted, stretched or pixelated
The logo is too close to other elements on the page
The Department of Resources
QWaLC was initially funded by a ministerial directive from the Qld Minister for Natural Resources and Mines in 2003.
The current funding received from the Department of Resources, provided by the Queensland Government gives us the ability to work on behalf of thousands of natural resource management volunteers across Queensland and to advocate on their behalf independently at all levels of the decision-making process.
QWaLC also received funds to deliver activities under the project : A Queensland Community of Water and Land Carers – Involved, Informed and Capable
We work closely with our colleagues at LA on a number of projects including the State Landcare Awards.
Our Structure
The organisation is answerable to our membership, which is made up of a broad range of volunteer natural resource management groups. Members include Landcare, Coastcare, Waterwatch, Bushcare, Catchment associations, wildlife, community gardens, conservation groups and regional and sub-regional organisations.
QWaLC is an incorporated association registered in Queensland and governed by a constitution that sets out the objectives, powers and administrative arrangements. QWaLC is registered with the ACNC.
QWaLC’s network extends across the 14 NRM regions (management units) and the 12 NRM Regional body organisations of Queensland, each of which is represented by a QWaLC board member elected from the regional groups. The board members participate on a board of management.