
About Queensland Water and Land Carers
Queensland Water and Land Carers Inc. (QWaLC) is the peak body for natural resource management volunteers in Queensland. We are an independent, non-government, not-for-profit organisation. QWaLC formed in April 2004 to fill an important need in supporting the valuable work of volunteer community groups in the Natural Resources Management sector in the state.
QWaLC is a registered charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission
The Department of Resources
QWaLC was initially funded by a ministerial directive from the Qld Minister for Natural Resources and Mines in 2003.
The current funding received from the Department of Resources, provided by the Queensland Government gives us the ability to work on behalf of thousands of natural resource management volunteers across Queensland and to advocate on their behalf independently at all levels of the decision-making process. This is a three year contract until 2022.
QWaLC also received funds to deliver activities under the project : A Queensland Community of Water and Land Carers – Involved, Informed and Capable
We work closely with our colleagues at LA on a number of projects including the State Landcare Awards.
Our Structure
The organisation is answerable to our membership, which is made up of a broad range of volunteer natural resource management groups. Members include Landcare, Coastcare, Waterwatch, Bushcare, Catchment associations, wildlife, community gardens, conservation groups and regional and sub-regional organisations.
QWaLC is an incorporated association registered in Queensland and governed by a constitution that sets out the objectives, powers and administrative arrangements. QWaLC is registered with the ACNC.
QWaLC’s network extends across the 14 NRM regions (management units) and the 12 NRM Regional body organisations of Queensland, each of which is represented by a QWaLC board member elected from the regional groups. The board members participate on a board of management.