AON Information

Please take the time to familiarise yourself with all the current policies offered through QWaLC to its member groups.

Current Insurance Policies

Information from AON regarding insurance

Association liability is a combination of Professional Indemnity, Directors & Officers Liability Insurance & Employment Practices Liability.

An Association Liability policy is a Claims Made & Notified Policy and under a claims made policy & notified policy any new claim or potential claim that is made against you must be lodged under to-day’s policy, not the policy in place when the mistake was initially made.

It is vitally important therefore that any new claim or complaint that comes to your attention is properly notified to your current insurer during the current policy period (and definitely before it expires).

We would therefore suggest that each of the member groups are aware of the above and report to Aon before expiry of the policy and any new claims or complaint that may result in a claim so as we may advise the insurer.

Claims made policies are not automatically “renewable” contracts such as Motor -Vehicle ,Liability, Fire & other policies — (Claims Reported Policies).

All cover under each years’ policy ceases on the expiry date.

Claims made policies can only be arranged upon your completion of a fresh application form which forms the basis of your legal contract with your insurers. For example – If you let your policy expire on October 31 of any year and do not effect a new policy, then any claim made against you any time after that date but for the work performed by you prior to that October 31st date (or at any time in the past ) would have no current policy to respond to the claim. 

Please report any new claims or complaints that may result in a claim immediately you become aware of the claim or complaint to