Supporting communities to protect themselves and others
13th January 2022
A great discussion at Probono Australia about developing a vaccination policy
Here is a link to a FAQ from AON re insurance and covid Aon__faq Covid
10th January 2022
- Get vaccinated and get a booster when you can
- Wear a mask—as required and when you can’t physically distance. This includes all indoor spaces (except in your own home or accommodation, and where it is unsafe, such as while doing strenuous exercise), when travelling on public transport or in a taxi or ride share, in shopping centres, etc.
- Get a COVID-19 test if you have symptoms
- Stay home when sick—if you are feeling unwell, even with only very mild symptoms, it’s extremely important to get tested and stay home until you get the results
- Keep your distance—maintain physical distancing (1.5m) when you’re outside your home. Keep your distance if you can: at the shops, on public transport, at work, and when you’re visiting with others. Shaking hands, hugging and kissing hello are still not COVID safe.
- Good hand hygiene
- Use the Check In Qld app to support contact tracing
In order to provide additional support to all of our members and volunteers, during this very difficult time, QWaLC is providing the following information.
(The following links and information are provided as a guide only)
Template (download) for activity / fieldwork work methods statement (a guide only)
COVID Safe Restrictions
Thursday, April 1, The lockdown for Greater Brisbane area will be lifted from 12:00 noon today.
Some restrictions will remain however:
- Mask Wearing, carry at all times and wear indoors, unless you have a lawful reason not to. It is strongly recommended you wear a mask when outdoors if you are unable to stay more than 1.5m distance from other people
- Gatherings in people’s homes are limited to 30 persons in total, including the people you live with
- You can leave your home for any purpose. You can travel anywhere in Australia.
- Patrons at hospitality venues will be required to remain seated.
Older information
From 5pm AEST Monday 29 March:
- 3-day lockdown for Greater Brisbane
- Mandatory mask wearing requirements will change for all of Queensland
- Additional restrictions for gatherings and businesses apply for all areas outside of greater Brisbane.
Qld Government Health Department information
The restrictions will be reviewed Wednesday 31 March.
Queensland’s Covid Safe Future
A new Roadmap to easing restrictions has been released detailing the easing of restrictions for Greater Brisbane that come into force at 6pm 11th Jan 2021 following the 3 day lock down.
Subject to no cases in the community, Greater Brisbane will return to the current ongoing restrictions for rest of Queensland from 1:00am Friday 22 January 2021.
The Roadmap also confirms ongoing restrictions for the rest of Queensland.
Roadmap to easing restrictions 11 Jan 2021

Update December 2020
Here is a link to the latest Covid Safe Checklist:Voluntary
All Queenslanders are reminded that they must follow health requirements regarding social distancing, hand hygiene and contact tracing.
There are new rules regarding contact tracing. This may be the easiest way for you to collect and keep information when undertaking events.
Electronic Registration apps include:
- Safe Visit (Australia)
- COVIDTracer (Australia)
Note this list is information only as they are all currently in use in Queensland. We do not endorse these products as we have not used them ourselves.
Information that must be collected:
- Full name
- Phone number
- Email address (residential address if unavailable)
- Date and time in
- Date and time out
Update 7th October 2020
See below for a COVID Safe plans update from
Update 22nd August 2020
Extra restrictions have been put in place to keep Queenslanders safe. Listed local government areas in Greater Brisbane, Scenic Rim, Somerset and Lockyer Valley are now subject to additional restrictions, including:
- limiting gatherings to a maximum of 10 people in homes and public spaces
- restricting visitors to residential aged care and disability accommodation facilities
- restricting visitors in public and private hospitals.
In the rest of the state, gatherings in homes and public spaces have been reduced to a maximum of 30 people.
For more information, visit the Queensland Health website.
If you need any guidance regarding your groups activities please call or email Darryl.
Template for activity / fieldwork work methods statement (guide only)
Here is some excellent guidance on Rebooting Outdoor Activities from the Outdoor Council of Australia
A great resource from the Damn Good Advice series Creating a COVID-19 Safe Workplace
Websites with information for you
JobKeeper Info
Excellent information available from Justice Connect Not for profit law QCOSS information
Policy and procedures and work instructions all have their place in ensuring organisations, both small and large, practice good governance.
This policy template, Epidemic/Pandemic Policy, is a good guide as to what areas need to be considered by management committees.
Having documented guidance for volunteers, committee members and any staff is critically important. More information about COVID-19 for not-for-profit organisations can be found here:
Organisations need to be clear on what your actions, responses and obligations to any crisis or disaster will be.
Good communication is essential.
Priority needs to be about how you will protect your volunteers and manage your activities and conform to Government instructions.
Ensuring that you consider items such as:
- member / volunteer safety,
- grant extensions,
- cancelling or postponing gatherings and events, and
- holding teleconference meetings.
Many groups have already enacted policies and procedures that can be quickly adapted and easily followed.
What do I need to do to safeguard my volunteers?
Volunteers are considered as ‘workers’ under Work Health and Safety (WHS) Laws and as such should be afforded the same considerations as a paid employee.
This includes the following:
- determine and implement appropriate control measures and clearly communicate them to all workers, including providing clear direction and guidance about what is expected of workers
- workers should know when to stay away from the workplace
- what action to take if they become unwell, and
- what symptoms to be concerned about
- continually monitor relevant information sources and update control measures when and if necessary.
- provide workers with continued access to official government sources for current information and advice
- provide workers with appropriate personal protective equipment and facilities, and information and training on how and why they are required to use them
- require workers to practice good hygiene and social distancing, including:
- frequent hand washing
- washing tools and equipment
- limiting contact with others, including through shaking hands, and
- covering their mouths while coughing or sneezing
- require workers to stay away from the workplace if they are unwell and not fit for work, and encourage them to seek medical advice as appropriate
- seek advice from health authorities immediately if there has been a confirmed case of COVID-19 in your workplace
- limit access to the workplace by other people, unless necessary
- reconsider work-related travel and implement other methods of communication
- for example, rather than requiring employees to undertake air travel to attend face to face meetings, facilitate attendance by tele or videoconference
- remind workers that they have a duty to take reasonable care for their own health and safety and to not adversely affect the health and safety of others.
- provide workers with a point of contact to discuss their concerns, and access to support services
- limiting organised gatherings and visits to vulnerable people. Visit the Department of Health website for further advice.
Should I be asking my volunteers to stay home?
As a volunteer involving organisation, you should be making a decision that fits your organisation and the needs and circumstances of your volunteers. For example, if your volunteer workforce includes many people in high risk categories (e.g. older people or people with existing health conditions) then you may ask people to stop volunteering for the time-being.
I am a volunteer, am I obliged to continue volunteering?
Volunteering Australia defines volunteering as time willingly given for the common good and without financial gain. Volunteers are under no obligation to continue to volunteer if they do not feel comfortable doing so. If you do attend your volunteering role then your Volunteer Involving Organisation has an obligation under Work Health and Safety Laws to provide protections around health and safety. See above for more information. You may wish to have a conversation with your Volunteer Involving Organisation about different ways of volunteering, for example continuing to volunteer remotely.
Annual General Meetings in Queensland
Incorporated associations, charities and not-for-profits
The Associations Incorporation Act 1981 requires an association’s annual general meeting (AGM) to be held within 6 months of the end of their financial year. There is an existing provision in the Act (s. 121) that allows the chief executive to grant an extension to an association for holding its AGM.
Normal practice is that an individual association must apply to OFT, outlining the special circumstances as to why the extension should be granted. However, in the current circumstances, we will allow a grace period of a further 6 months to hold your AGM, if required, without the need for you to make a written application.
In effect, this may result in a management committee’s term being longer than is described in the rules, but, given the current circumstances, we hope members will be accepting of this.