01 Darryls Insurance Updates Archive

QWaLC has finalised ongoing insurance coverage for all QWaLC member groups (until 31st March 2024).


Update 5th April 2023

Certificates of Currency for your 3 policies are being emailed out. If you do not receive your certificate via email by the 12th April please contact Darryl@qwalc.org.au

Here are the three policy wording documents for 2023-2024 that you can download

QWaLC AFA Volunteers Personal Accident Policy Wording 2023-24

QWaLC Aon NFP Protector Association Liability policy wording 2023-24

QWaLC Aon Canopius NFP Combined Public Product Liability Policy Wording 2023-24 V 20230309

If your group engages in or intends to engage in activities involving drones, bike riding, snorkelling or reef diving please contact Darryl.

Update 31st March 2023

We are pleased to inform you that insurance coverage for QWaLC member groups is continuing for the next 12 months.

There will be a slight delay in providing certificates of currency due to a hiccup in the production of the 1500 pdf certificates. The certificates of currency will be emailed out to member groups that have completed this years membership and insurance renewal survey earlier this year. This emailing out of certificates will now happen next week.

Don’t worry, even though you do not have your 3 certificates of currency your insurance coverage is ongoing.

Update 27th Feb 2023

This years membership and Insurance survey has now closed. Information for this years insurance renewal will now be collated and provided to the insurers. New certificates of currency will be provided to continuing member groups by the 1st April 2023.  If you have not completed the survey and renewed your membership please contact Darryl.

Update Feb 2023

Thanks to the many members who have already renewed their membership. On Friday the 27th Jan 2023 your designated contact person would have received an email with the online link for this years Membership and Insurance survey. Since then we have sent out email reminders and also an SMS. I encourage members to complete the online membership and insurance survey so that we can continue to provide the services you need and expect.

The membership and insurance survey closes this Friday the 24th Feb.


31st March 2022 QWaLC has finalised ongoing insurance coverage for all QWaLC member groups (until 31st March 2023).

Due to the continuing volatile and hardening insurance market it took a little longer this year to ensure that the coverage available was suitable across our diverse membership.Thanks to AON Brisbane and the continued funding from the Queensland Government we are able to offer ongoing governance and insurance support for the fantastic work undertaken by more than 444 member groups and 32,000 volunteers across Queensland.There are some changes required this year so we will be providing updated information over the next few weeks.

The new policy wording documents are available to download below.

For those members who have completed this years annual membership and insurance survey your three certificates of currency will be emailed out to you over the next few days. Keep an eye out for an email from Lane.If you haven’t completed the survey yet or don’t receive your certificates of currency please contact us.

Here are the three policy wording documents 2022-2023

  1. AFA Volunteers Personal Accident Policy Wording 2022-23 QWaLC
  2. Aon NFP Association Liability policy wording QWaLC
  3. Aon NFP AXA XL Public Liability Policy Wording QWaLC

If your group engages in or intends to engage in activities involving drones, bike riding, snorkelling or reef diving please contact Darryl.


23rd March 2022 – The QWaLC insurance renewal process for member groups is well underway. We are currently discussing with the insurers the next twelve months coverage (1st April 2022 until 31st March 2023). We anticipate issuing new certificates of currency to groups late next week.

The 2022 Membership and Insurance survey is now completed.. If you have not received an email with a link to the survey please contact QWaLC.

2021 -2022 QWaLC has finalised ongoing insurance coverage for all QWaLC member groups (until 31st March 2022). Due to a quite volatile and difficult insurance market it took a bit longer this year to ensure that the coverage available was suitable across our diverse membership.

Thanks to AON Brisbane and continued funding from the Queensland Government we are able to offer ongoing governance and insurance support for the fantastic work undertaken by more than 440 member groups and 32,000 volunteers across Queensland.

There are some changes required this year so we will be providing updated information over the next few weeks. The new policy wording documents will be available on the QWaLC website as soon as they are received.

For those members who have completed this years annual membership and insurance survey your three certificates of currency will be emailed out to you over the next few days. Keep an eye out for an email from Lane.

If you haven’t completed the survey yet or don’t receive your certificates of currency please contact us.

Here are the three policy wording documents

  1. Aon NFPXL Public Liability_Policy Wording 2021-22
  2. Aon NFP AFA Voluntary Workers Personal Accident_Policy Wording 2021-22
  3. Aon NFP Association Liability_Policy Wording 2021-22

Previous information is below

(This information is periodically updated for the 2020-21 year of coverage)

Queensland Water and Land Carers has arranged and paid for insurance cover for eligible member groups until 31st March 2021. QWaLC is the master policy holder under which QWaLC member groups can be covered.

Thanks to the Queensland Government for the funding that ensures that the voluntary work of our member groups is able to be undertaken and valued.

The information supplied below is of a general nature and all coverage is subject to the Terms Conditions and Exclusions as outlined in the Policy Documents. If you have a specific question, please contact Darryl at QWaLC.

There are three policies:

  1. General and Products Liability (Primary Liability)
  2. Personal Accident (Voluntary workers)
  3. Association Liability (Protector)

You can download the policy wording documents here: (Updated May 2020)

General Public and Product Liability Policy Wording QWaLC

Aon NFP Facility – Voluntary Workers Wording QWaLC

NFP Association Liability Protector policy wording QWaLC

If you need to report an incident please return the form below.

QWaLC Accident Incident Report

Contact for insurance matters

Darryl Ebenezer
0407696792 E:    darryl@qwalc.org.au


Landcare in a Box

Volunteering Queensland

Conservation Skills Centre – In Safe Hands (is a paid resource $385.00)

Victorian Landcare Gateway

Covers legal liability to pay compensation to third parties for injury and/or damage to property arising out of the business activities or products.
specifically relates to:

  • Injury to any person
  • Property Damage
  • Advertising Injury

Injury includes bodily, death, illness, disease, false or wrongful arrest, libel, slander or defamation, discrimination, assault and battery.

Property damages means physical damage/ destruction of property including loss of use at any time resulting there from – and loss of use of tangible property.

Advertising injury includes libel, slander or defamation infringement of copyright, invasion of privacy and unfair completion – committed in any advertisement, publicity article or telecast.


General Liability –   $30 million any one occurrence
Products Liability – $30 million any one period of insurance
Anywhere on the Commonwealth of Australia and elsewhere in the World for travel by executive officers and employees of the Insured.
Sub Limits of Liability
Property in physical or legal care, custody & control endorsement limit: $250,000 The policy covers the organisation, its employees & volunteers from their legal liability to third parties for personal injury and/or property damage if proven legally liable or negligent as defined in the policy.



What it does not include (exclusions)
– Excludes professional indemnity
– Excludes all contractors and/or sub-contractors
– Warranted no known or reported incidents/claims
– Excludes Acts of War & Terrorism
– Policy excludes liability arising from the participation in any sporting activities
– Additional activities, events or fundraising not declared on original declaration not insured until referred to and accepted by the Insurer
– Excludes molestation
– All service providers/contractors are required to carry their own insurance. A service provider is deemed as anyone hired by the Insured to provide a good or service. Service providers include but are not limited to security, amusement device operators, fireworks operators, caterers, contractors, stall holders, venue owners, entertainers etc.
– It is a condition precedent to the policy that any Insured providing services to third party individuals or groups must hold the appropriate qualifications or license. It is further agreed that staff/volunteers working for these Insured’s must also be appropriately qualified in the activities they are conducting.
Other Important Notes-

  • Work carried out on private land – landowners should have own insurance as well as member groups
  • An Excess applies for each and every claim
  • PPL is a claims reported policy – meaning that if the claim is made in 2019 to an incident relating to 2015 – the content of the policy in the year of the incident will be used.


Covering volunteers, work experience, including virtual volunteering from home, work for the dole & Centre Link mutual obligation, people carrying out activities on behalf & at the direction of the Insured including direct travel to & from the voluntary activity for accidential injury or death. The insurance may cover and pay once assessed:

  1. An agreed Lump Sum Benefits – Death/Capital Benefits .
  2. Compensation for Income Earners – 85% of your weekly income subject to a maximum of $500 per week for each week of temporary total disablement not exceeding 104 weeks for any one event.

(Temporary Total disablement means where under the opinion of the doctor, the volunteer is unable to engage in their usual occupation or business duties, while also under the regular care of and acting in accordance with the instructions of a Doctor).

  1. Emergency Home Help for Non Income Earners – 85% of the actual cost of domestic help (max $500 104 weeks)
  2. Non-Medicare Medical Expenses – $2,000, $50 excess
  3. Student Tutorial Benefit (Full time Students) – 85% of the actual cost of home tutorial expenses (max $500 – 104 weeks).
  4. Funeral Benefits – up to $7500

Note that Injury does not include

  1. sickness or illness or disease;
  2. any pre-existing physical or congenital conditions (except illness or disease directly resulting from medical or surgical treatment rendered necessary by any Bodily Injury).

GAP Expenses are not covered under this policy!

‘Federal legislation that regulates health insurance provides that personal accident insurance coverage is not permitted to cover gaps in Medicare payments or any expenses that would normally be covered by Medicare of a private health insurer. I am also advised that it is standard in personal accident insurance coverage to provide cover for non Medicare medical expenses such as physiotherapists and chiropractors’

Source Letter from Minister for Finance, Natural Resources and the Arts 16/02/2012

The AON policy does cover non-Medicare medical expenses for Doctor, physician, surgeon, nurse, physiotherapist, chiropractor, osteopath, hospital or ambulance services for the following treatments

  • Medical
  • Surgical
  • X Ray
  • Chiropractor
  • Osteopathic
  • Physiotherapy
  • Hospital
  • Nursing Treatment

Other important points to note:-

  • Accidents must be reported as soon as possible (Incident Form) – 12 months;
  • Do not go to a private hospital if you do not have private health insurance;
  • Keep QWaLC and insurers fully informed on travel requirements.(e.g. travel to capital city);
  • Under the PPL there is no age restriction however volunteers must be able to follow instructions.


This policy covers Professional Indemnity which covers Legal Liability to compensate Third Parties who have sustained financial loss due to breach or alleged breach of professional indemnity on part of their insured or their employees

Covers Directors /Officers Liability – Incurred due to a Breach or alleged breach of duty, misleading statement or wrongful act (as defined by the policy) by a director or officer acting in that capacity. This policy does not cover fines or penalties.

Sum Insured is $10 million for one claim or $20 million in the aggregate in any one year.

Professional Liability
Management Liability
Association Liability
Employment Practices Liability
Employee Fraud or Dishonesty (Excess applies)

Association is a Claims made policy which means when the claim is made relates to the policy taken out by the entity on that date (not to the year where the incident occurred).

Insurance Page Archive

Update 31st March 2023

We are pleased to inform you that insurance coverage for QWaLC member groups is continuing for the next 12 months.

There will be a slight delay in providing certificates of currency due to a hiccup in the production of the 1500 pdf certificates. The certificates of currency will be emailed out to member groups that have completed this years membership and insurance renewal survey earlier this year. This emailing out of certificates will now happen next week (3rd to 7th April).

Don’t worry, even though you do not have your 3 certificates of currency your insurance coverage is ongoing.


Update 27th Feb 2023

This years membership and Insurance survey has now closed. Information for this years insurance renewal will now be collated and provided to the insurers. New certificates of currency will be provided to continuing member groups by the 1st April 2023.

Update 31st March 2022

QWaLC has finalised ongoing insurance coverage for all QWaLC member groups (until 31st March 2023). Due to the continuing volatile and hardening insurance market it took a little longer this year to ensure that the coverage available was suitable across our diverse membership.Thanks to AON Brisbane and the continued funding from the Queensland Government we are able to offer ongoing governance and insurance support for the fantastic work undertaken by more than 444 member groups and 32,000 volunteers across Queensland.

There are some changes required this year so we will be providing updated information over the next few weeks. The new policy wording documents will be available on the QWaLC website as soon as they are received.

For those members who have completed this years annual membership and insurance survey your three certificates of currency will be emailed out to you over the next few days. Keep an eye out for an email from Lane.

If you haven’t completed the survey yet or don’t receive your certificates of currency please contact us.

Reminder re Member Group expectations re insurance coverage

1) be members of QWaLC at the time of the incident, which requires

a) member numbers must be reported to QWaLC

b) regular volunteers should be included on the membership list

c) provide income, expenditure, assets and liabilities information to QWaLC when requested

2) ensure appropriate health and safety obligations are met when conducting activities

3) undertake appropriate risk assessments and mitigation actions

4) make all reasonable efforts to record participant details

5) ensure all independent contractors hold separate appropriate insurances

6) in the case of an incident, not admit liability or fault, and inform QWaLC as soon as possible

7) avoid entering into contracts with “hold harmless” or “indemnification” or similar clauses

8) complete the annual membership and insurance survey

9) inform QWaLC of potential risks and new activities annually or before they are undertaken

10) inform QWaLC Inc. of any actual or alleged facts that should have reasonably been known that might give rise to a claim or an investigation and to provide all relevant information if a claim arise

If your group engages in or intends to engage in activities involving drones, bike riding, snorkelling or reef diving please contact Darryl.

The QWaLC insurance package offered to member groups includes Public Liability insurance, Volunteer Workers Personal Accident insurance and Associations Directors & Officers Liability insurance.



Update 31st March 2023

We are pleased to inform you that insurance coverage for QWaLC member groups is continuing for the next 12 months.

There will be a slight delay in providing certificates of currency due to a hiccup in the production of the 1500 pdf certificates. The certificates of currency will be emailed out to member groups that have completed this years membership and insurance renewal survey earlier this year. This emailing out of certificates will now happen next week.

Don’t worry, even though you do not have your 3 certificates of currency your insurance coverage is ongoing.

Update Feb 2023

Thanks to the many members who have already renewed their membership. On Friday the 27th Jan your designated contact person would have received an email with the online link for this years Membership and Insurance survey. Since then we have sent out email reminders and also an SMS. I encourage members to complete the online membership and insurance survey so that we can continue to provide the services you need and expect.

The membership and insurance survey closes this Friday the 24th Feb 2023


Update 29th March 2022 – The QWaLC insurance renewal process for member groups is well underway. We are currently discussing with the insurers the next twelve months coverage (1st April 2022 until 31st March 2023). We anticipate issuing new certificates of currency to groups late this week.

This years Feb 2022 survey is now closed.

In early Feb 2022 the membership and insurance survey will be made available for members to complete. Responses will be due 11th March 2022. Only members who have completed the survey will be able to receive ongoing insurance coverage.

Reminder re Member Group expectations re insurance coverage

1) be members of QWaLC at the time of the incident, which requires

  1. member numbers must be reported to QWaLC
  2. regular volunteers should be included on the membership list
  3. provide income, expenditure, assets and liabilities information to QWaLC

2) ensure appropriate health and safety obligations are met when conducting activities

3) undertake appropriate risk assessments and mitigation actions

4) make all reasonable efforts to record participant details

5) ensure all independent contractors hold separate appropriate insurances

6) in the case of an incident, not admit liability or fault, and inform QWaLC as soon as possible

7) avoid entering into contracts with “hold harmless” or “indemnification” clauses

8) complete the annual membership and insurance survey

9) inform QWaLC of potential risks and new activities

10) inform QWaLC Inc. of any actual or alleged facts that should have reasonably been known that might give rise to a claim or an investigation and to provide all relevant information if a claim arises.

Update 31st March 2021

(Certificates of Currency are being emailed out)

QWaLC has finalised ongoing insurance coverage for all QWaLC member groups (until 31st March 2022). Due to a quite volatile and difficult insurance market it took a bit longer this year to ensure that the coverage available was suitable across our diverse membership.

Thanks to AON Brisbane and continued funding from the Queensland Government we are able to offer ongoing governance and insurance support for the fantastic work undertaken by more than 430 member groups and 28,000 volunteers across Queensland.

There are some changes required this year so we will be providing updated information over the next few weeks. The new policy wording documents will be available on the QWaLC website as soon as they are received.

For those members who have completed this years annual membership and insurance survey your three certificates of currency will be emailed out to you over the next few days. Keep an eye out for an email from Lane. (Certificates of Currency are being emailed out)

If you haven’t completed the survey yet or don’t receive your certificates of currency please contact us.

Update March 2021

Currently the responses to the membership and insurance survey are being collated. Insurance renewal certificates of currency are on schedule to be emailed out to member groups before the 31st March 2021.

Update Feb 2021

The membership and insurance survey is being emailed to member groups this week (10th Feb)

Update March 2020

New certificates of currency for the year 1st April 2020 to 31st March 2021 will be emailed out this week to members who have completed the membership and insurance survey survey.

Thanks to the generous support of the Queensland State Government, Queensland Water and Land Carers has now signed the contract for insurance coverage for 2020-2021. The policies, Public Liability, Volunteer Accident and Protector Liability, have been taken out with Aon Insurance.

If you have not received, by email your three certificates of currency by the first week in April 2020 please contact Darryl.

February 2020

The annual membership and insurance survey is underway. If you haven’t received an email with the link to survey monkey please let me know.

January 2020

In the week of the 31st January 2020 the  annual QWalC Membership and Insurance survey will be emailed to member groups.
New certificates of currency for the year 1st April 2020 to 31st March 2021 will be emailed out to members who complete the survey before the 6th March 2020.
If you have not received, by email your three certificates of currency by the first week in April 2020 please contact Darryl.

Insurance coverage for member groups is current until 31st March 2020

If you have an incident to report please use the form

QWaLC Accident Incident Report

and return it to Darryl

If you have any queries, please email Darryl  at darryl@qwalc.org.au

Insurance Coverage is offered to QWaLC Member Groups

  • Landcare Groups (including Bushcare) and Coastcare Groups.
  • Waterwatch, Catchment and other Voluntary Environmental Groups in Qld who are members of QWALC.
  • All individual persons carrying out activities authorised by the registered voluntary groups

Items to Note

  • Insurance is not a substitute for risk management. Having insurance should only come into the picture when you’ve done all you can to minimise risk.
  • No one can tell you what sort of insurance you need – you need to consider your organisation’s own risk profile and appetite against what insurance policies can cover and may cost.
  • When comparing policies, make sure you take particular note of limits, excesses, exclusions and geographic coverage.
  • Always pay attention to the exclusions

Insured (the definition of activities)

Land Care Groups (incuding Bushcare, Coastal Care, Waterwatch and Catchment Groups) in Queensland who are Land Care Groups registered with the QLD Water & Land Carers Inc. and all individual persons carrying out activities Principally volunteer, community, charitable and not-for profit Organisations and all other associated and related activities including activities of volunteers.

Policy coverage offered by QWaLC

  1. Public Liability
  2. Personal Accident (Voluntary Workers)
  3. Protector Liability including Professional Liability, Management Liability, Association Liability, Employment Practices Liability, Employee Fraud or Dishonesty.

Archived Information

Insurance Update March 2019

A majority of Membership and Insurance surveys have been completed.
New certificates of currency for the year 1st April 2019 to 31st March 2020 will be emailed out to members who have completed the survey before the 31st March 2019.
If you have not received your three certificates of currency by then please contact Darryl.

Insurance coverage for member groups is current until 31st March 2019

The annual membership and insurance survey was distributed in February 2019.
As you know this survey is an important part of the life of QWaLC members and provides essential information to us that is used to negotiate better insurance premiums and cover as well as provide a valuable insight into many aspects of member groups activities.

Thanks to the generous support of the Queensland State Government, Queensland Water and Land Carers has now signed the contract for insurance coverage for 2019-2020. The policies, Public Liability, Volunteer Accident and Protector Liability, have been taken out with Aon Insurance.

Updated information will be provided over the next few weeks.

OLD Information

Insurance Update for QWaLC Member Groups 7th May 2017

The insurance coverage changes for the year 2017-2018 are now complete.
If you completed the membership and insurance survey sent out in November 2016 you would have received your three new insurance certificates of currency via email.

If you have any concerns or questions about this change please call Darryl on 07 3844 4032 or send an email to darryl@qwalc.org.au

Insurance coverage is now extended to March 2018
Insurance coverage is still offered to member groups at no cost.
The three insurance policies offered will still be

  1. Voluntary Workers Personal Accident – $100,000 death and capital benefits with a weekly benefit of $500 per week for 104 weeks.
    NB: All medical costs must be recovered from all available sources, eg. Medicare or private health fund before any claim can be made on this policy.
    2. Public Liability – $30m any one Occurrence & ii Product Liability – $30m any one period of insurance (Excess is $1,000.00 each and every claim)
    3. Protector/Association Liability – Includes Professional Indemnity, Directors & Officers Liability, Statutory Liability, Employment Practice Liability
    i. $10m Limit of Liability – any one claim ii. $20m in the aggregate.

We will be sending out the new Certificates of Currency as soon as possible after the 31st March and the new policy documents and other information will be made available on the QWaLC website.
Managing Risk
QWaLC as the master policy holder requires groups to be proactive in their management of risk:

a.  Insured member groups should ensure all members are recorded in a membership register.
b.  All volunteers and members participating in group activities should complete a sign‐on sheet.
c.  A WHS risk assessment should be undertaken for all activities (see Landcare in a Box Resources for templates).

2017/2018 Insurance Policies and Certificates

If your group has not received the 2018/19 Membership and Insurance Survey by the 2nd Feb 2018 please contact us as soon as possible. Once the survey is complete we can send out the new certificates of currency to you in the second week of March.

If you have any queries, please email Darryl  at darryl@qwalc.org.au

Insurance Coverage is offered to QWaLC Member Groups

  • Landcare Groups (including Bushcare) and Coastcare Groups.
  • Waterwatch, Catchment and other Voluntary Environmental Groups in Qld who are members of QWALC.
  • All individual persons carrying out activities authorised by the registered voluntary groups

Items to Note

  • Insurance is not a substitute for risk management. Having insurance should only come into the picture when you’ve done all you can to minimise risk.
  • No one can tell you what sort of insurance you need – you need to consider your organisation’s own risk profile and appetite against what insurance policies can cover and may cost.
  • When comparing policies, make sure you take particular note of limits, excesses, exclusions and geographic coverage.
  • Always pay attention to the exclusions

Insured (the definition of activities)

Land Care Groups (incuding Bushcare, Coastal Care, Waterwatch and Catchment Groups) in Queensland who are Land Care Groups registered with the QLD Water & Land Carers Inc. and all individual persons carrying out activities Principally volunteer, community, charitable and not-for profit Organisations and all other associated and related activities including activities of volunteers.

Policy coverage offered by QWaLC

  1. Public Liability
  2. Personal Accident (Voluntary Workers)
  3. Protector Liability including Professional Liability, Management Liability, Association Liability, Employment Practices Liability, Employee Fraud or Dishonesty.

If you need to report an incident please use the form found at:

QWaLC Accident Incident Report Form

Updated 15th March 2019Updated 13th August 2018Updated 7th May 2017Updated 24th February 2017Updated 26th November 2016