QWaLC Annual General Meeting
20th QWaLC AGM 14th November 2024, 10.30am
This year the Queensland Water and Land Carers Inc AGM will be held on
Thursday 14th November from 10.30am to 11.30am
via Zoom or in person at:
United Service Club Queensland
183 Wickham Terrace, Spring Hill, Brisbane, QLD
Morning tea will be available from 10am to 10.15am prior to the meeting.
You can note Apologies, RSVP and appoint a Proxy using the form below.
RSVP and Proxys should be completed by end Monday 4th November.
If attending via ZOOM You must also PREREGISTER with Zoom using the button below. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
The AGM Agenda and Previous Minutes are available for download – simply click the relevant button below.
The Annual Report will be available at the AGM.
Enquiries regarding the QWaLC AGM to be directed to Darryl Ebenezer, CEO via darryl@qwalc.org.au