As we all know Landcare and community volunteers play a very important environmental and social role in the communities in which we live.
QWaLC encourages it’s members to actively raise the awareness of the great work they do with their community leaders. They may or may not be aware of the work and success of your group. Click here for some tips on how to engage your local member or aspiring representative.
If you are unsure or do not know who your local Federal or State member the map below contains the locations and contact details of current elected representatives in your region.
To find full details of all elected members of the QLD parliament as at September 2023 click here.
This toolkit is designed to help landcarers raise awareness for Landcare and to make connecting with your local politician as easy as possible.
Can you help us get the word out?
You can boost support for both your Landcare group and the community landcare movement by engaging with your local MP, writing letters and getting active on social media. This toolkit is designed to help you:
- Identify your local MP
- Hold a meeting with your local MP
- Write a letter to your local MP
- Write a letter to the editor
- Engage on social media
2023. Earlier this year Queensland Water and Land Carers joined a coalition of organisations calling on government to invest more in eradicating one of the world’s worst invasive pests: fire ants.
Fire ant coalition called for government action. June 2023
QWaLC joined a coalition of organisations calling on the state and federal government to prioritise its response to the National Red Imported Fire Ant Eradication Program Strategic Review.
D-Day for fire ants is 13 July, when Australia’s agriculture ministers will be meeting face-to-face for the first time since the COVID pandemic. Fire ants will be on the agenda.
‘Fire ants are one of the biggest environmental threats facing Australia. The prospect of Australian governments giving up on fire ant eradication is truly terrifying,’ said Invasive Species Council fire ant campaigner Reece Pianta.
The groups expressed support for Option A in the review: invest more now to eradicate Australia’s fire ant infestation over the next decade.
State and Federal governments have had the review and its recommendations for two years and it is now critical that decisions be made to enable fire ant eradication to make up for lost time. Read the full statement
An independent Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) June 2023
An independent Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is crucial for Queensland as it strengthens environmental governance by prioritising the protection of communities and the environment over vested interests.
Traditionally, some industries have been viewed as the ‘customers’ of environmental regulation, however, a shift towards a more community-centered approach is needed, one which takes into account environmental impacts and provides justice for First Nations communities and all QLD citizens.
An independent EPA can help ensure this shift by developing environmental justice frameworks which protect those most vulnerable to environmental harm. In the specific case of Queensland, the introduction of an independent EPA would enable the implementation of strong governance arrangements and justice frameworks, ensuring that the environment and human health are protected effectively.
Such a move would also align with wider calls across Australia for the implementation and reform of independent EPAs, reflecting a national shift towards best practices in environmental governance and justice. Read the Environmental Defenders Office Report
The National Landcare Network (NLN) is the peak representative body for community Landcare groups across Australia and works to provide a voice for Landcare at the national level. You can also go to the National Landcare Network website for some more information.
Community Landcare Coordinators 2015 Here is a discussion paper on the benefits Community Landcare Coordinators 2015. Community Coordinators PDF