2023 2024 Queensland Landcare Awards
2023/2024 State & Territory Landcare Awards
were held Saturday May 25 2024 across 6 venues across Queensland and online via Zoom.
Montville, Advancetown, Toowoomba, Yeppoon, Malanda and Brisbane
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See the WINNERS and all the nominees…
Butchers Creek State School
Woolworths Junior Landcare Award
Butchers Creek State School is situated in a rural region of Far North Queensland overlooking the Atherton Tablelands. The school has been part of the Reef Guardian Schools program since 2016. A comprehensive School Environmental Management Plan (SEMP) was developed in 2022 to integrate sustainability considerations into whole-school planning implementing changes to school culture and everyday practices and to apply the principles of ecologically sustainable development across all school activities. Typically Soil Health can be a ‘dry’ topic and generally overlooked in schools, however it was questions around the old school forestry plot that sparked interest in the students leading to a full-scale investigation driven by two Year 5 students in the Gifted Global Green (GGG) Program conducted through Tinaroo Environmental Education Centre (TEEC). Subsequently the whole school of twenty-two students, parents, community and the school staff have started their journey into building knowledge and understanding of the importance of healthy soil through their project ‘The Soil Savers’. Other activites include National Tree Day, Clean Up Australia Day, Waste-free Fridays, Cash for Containers recycling program, Oz Harvest, indigenous food garden, vertical herb gardens, worm farms, small school fruit orchards, compost and community garden clubs as well as the school solar program.
Russell Family Park BushCare Group
Australian Government Community Partnerships Landcare Award
The Russell Family Park (RFP) BushCare Group commenced in 2007 with the hope of re-establishing a rainforest for critical habitats. Under the auspice of Sunshine Coast Council’s Community Conservation team, the partnership with the Russell Family Park BushCare Group is one of the most active and successful valued for planting native trees, removing environmental weeds, helping to create habitat for local wildlife and for improving the quality and resilience of the bushland in the environment reserve. Significantly, over 8,500 native rainforest plants, comprising 211 species have been planted in the 7.3 ha of former cleared farmland in Montville Village. Community planting days, working with local students from the Montville Primary School and assisting other groups such as the local Baha’i group. Members of the Group support local Aboriginal elder and Kabi Kabi woman, Aunty Beverly Hand, and her efforts to bring together First Nations peoples and non-Indigenous people for an annual Bunya Dreaming event. In celebration of the iconic Bunya pine tree (Araucaria bidwillii) and its important role in First Nations culture. Other partners include Barung Landcare, Lions Club, the Rainbow Festival and Rustic Pathways. Significantly, the RFP BushCare Group inspires both locals and tourists alike on the Sunshine Coast.
Rosalinde Green-Brinkman
NextGen Landcare Award
Rosalinde is the CEO of Watergum Community Inc. She is a born leader with a great sense of humour, huge passion for Australian landscapes and incredible organisational skills who, over seven years, has grown Watergum into an organisation that directly engages over 10,000 people in carrying out hands on environmental and land management work. Growing up next to a National Park in her native Netherlands, Rosalinde developed a passion for the environment from an early age. She studied Land and Wildlife Management and took an internship in Australia in her early 20’s, then moved to Australia permanently and joined Watergum in 2017. Rosalinde is driven by connecting people to the land and creating real on-ground outcomes. She does this by networking, managing a large-scale Watergum social media presence, and managing and mentoring her team to carry out citizen science, Natural Resource Management (NRM), invasive species, land restoration projects and supporting 45 small Landcare groups.
Friends of Federation Walk
Greyhound Coastcare Award
Friends of Federation Walk have a 24-year Landcare legacy on the Gold Coast at Federation Walk Coastal Reserve. In 1999 the Main Beach Progress Association (MBPA) obtained a Queensland Centenary of Federation grant of $75,000 to create a Management Plan to help guide the protection of the area. The funds were then matched by City of Gold Coast (City), leading to construction of the well-loved Federation Walk trail and the formation of an official community Landcare group, the Friends of Federation Walk (FoFW) in 2001. Activities included: tree planting, weed control, litter clean up, education and awareness and a strong ongoing community connection to the land that remains today. The State Government gazetted the land in 2003 for the purpose of park, environmental, beach protection, coastal management to help protect it for future generations. The project has formed many partnerships with students of primary, secondary and tertiary education sectors, local business, scouts, service clubs and community groups contributing to the restoration of the reserve and on-ground conservation outcomes for the site through community planting days and environmental education.
Leather Cattle Co
Australian Government Sustainable Agriculture Landcare Award
In operation since 1988, Leather Cattle Co (LCC) is a family owned and operated sustainable beef business covering 17 500 ha over three properties in Central Queensland. LCC has a clear focus on a sustainable future and take the responsibility of how they contribute to global food security and climate action as a priority. They understand the importance of sustainable beef production to meet the nutritional needs of an increasing population that requires safe and nutritious protein sources whilst restoring, nurturing, and protecting the land they manage.
LCC has an infectious enthusiasm for the long-term sustainability of the Australian Beef industry and their credibility in this field has seen them chart the way for the future and share their story both nationally and internationally.
Grant and Carly Burnham
Australian Government Climate Innovation Award
Grant and Carly Burnham and their four children, Lily, Ruby, Knox and Quade are ecological and organic beef producers at Bonnie Doone west of Monto in the beautiful North Burnett, Queensland. They were issued 94,666 soil carbon Australian Carbon Credit Units in 2023. The Burnham’s are highly regarded leaders in the agricultural industry, regularly invited to speak and share their experiences at events such as The Australian Organic conference, Convergence conference hosted by Resource Consulting Services, Beef Australia and Bundaberg Agrifood Summit. Grant is past president of AgForce Monto branch, Carly past Junior landcare co-ordinator Monto Landcare and they both give generously of their time and skills to local community organisations.
Woppaburra TUMRA Aboriginal Corporation
First Nations Landcare Collaboration Award
Woppaburra are from a wider Whale Dreaming Indigenous Community around coastal Australia. The spiritual saltwater totem for the Woppaburra and their island homelands is Mugga Mugga (Humpback Whale). The Woppaburra People have joined with the Reef Authority and Queensland Parks and Wildlife in a seven year Traditional Use of Marine Resources Agreement (TUMRA) that will enable them to decide on their cultural hunting protocols and to co-manage their Sea Country, providing a platform for Woppaburra voices in decision making regarding activities that impact their culture and Country. The agreement also supports the capacity of the Woppaburra people to return to Country in management positions and allows for cross cultural awareness raising with Woppaburra people sharing their cultural perspectives with scientists, tourism operators, NRM groups, industry and the wider community including the Australian Institute of Marine Science, CSIRO, Reef Ecologic, JCU, CQU and many others.
Janet Mangan
Women in Landcare Award
With exceptional energy and dedication, Janet Mangan is an active volunteer and dedicated leader for a number of bushcare groups in Local Councils, National Parks and Catchment groups across SE Qld and Greater Brisbane. Janet’s dedication and passion is unmatched – to bushcare and community groups, volunteering 6 days a week and attending two to three bushcare events per day. Janet works and leads bushcare and nursery groups in both of Brisbane City Council’s Creek Catchment and Habitat Brisbane programs, Save Our Waterways Now (SOWN), Koala Conservation Council, Kumbartcho Native Plant Nursery, Pine Rivers Catchment Association, Native Plants Queensland and Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service (QPWS).. Janet is involved in all aspects of bushcare and nursery activities, from carrying out the manual work of propagating, weeding and planting, to providing education and taking on decision-making roles in committees. Janet Mangan is an exceptionally hard worker and energetic leader that continues to inspire and leave an enduring legacy for our environment and communities. Janet has been nominated for two categories.
Judit Roland
Australian Government Individual Landcarer Award
Judit Roland has been a dedicated member of Tamborine Mountain Landcare (TML) since 2003. She took on the role of regeneration coordinator in 2011 and has held the office of president since 2014. Judit’s passion and commitment to Landcare is both tireless (she devotes every possible day to Landcare work) and infectious. An inspirational leader, Judit has successfully bought together individuals from all levels of government, business and the community to work cooperatively on multiple projects across Tamborine Mountain for 20+ years. Her ability to network, connect and positively inspire individuals from school kids to senior bureaucrats is a rare skill that underlies the significant ongoing success of Tamborine Mountain Landcare (TML).
Widgee State School
Woolworths Junior Landcare Award
Widgee State School (WSS) is a three-teacher, multi-age classroom primary school with 53 students, located approximately 200kms north of Brisbane. The Horse Paddock Environmental Education (Ho.P.E.E) project was initiated in response to student’s appreciation of adjoining land and the impacts of land clearing for housing estates next to the school immediately impacting koala habitat. In addition to this, sediment run off and erosion in the horse paddock links directly to water quality and weed control in the adjacent creek at the back of the school. Local Gympie Koala Action Group members spoke to the students about this and how to make the horse-less paddock more koala friendly. Money raised from a Rodeo was used in a big clean-up of the area. An environmental architect consulted with the school to create a comprehensive plan for the whole space which included a bike/walking/running track around the perimeter of the school. Planting zone and Frog Pond Rehabilitation Area (F.R.A) to encourage more species back to the area. In 2023, Widgee State School became a Land for Wildlife school.
Pioneer Catchment and Landcare Group Inc.
Australian Government Community Partnerships Landcare Award
Pioneer Catchment Landcare empowers community, nature enthusiasts, landholders and stakeholders across the Mackay region to restore, enhance and protect the natural environment through sustainable land management and conservation activities. Operating since the early 1990’s, PCL is a dynamic Landcare organisation that supports 6 full time staff and facilitating over 360 community and industry members care for the environment. Projects include: Providing junior Landcare support through an active school’s engagement program providing bush tucker talks, advice on landscape projects and facilitating planting days at schools;National Tree Day and Clean Up Australia Day; Providing property management plans to assist local land holders through Land for Wildlife; Facilitating revegetation projects on private and Council managed land; Community workshops; Collaborative efforts on regional boards such as Central Queensland Koala Group, Wetland Working Group, Healthy Rivers to reef Partnership, Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service, Mangrove Watch; Monitoring and education of endangered and threatened species such as the mangrove mouse; and Citizen science projects such as moth and platypus monitoring events.
Rheanca Lincoln
NextGen Landcare Award
Although Rheanca first showed an interest in wildlife and the environment when she was only 7 years old, it was when she 14 years old that she was inspired to begin environmental volunteer work. Now, five years on, Rheanca is a first year veterinary student at the University of Queensland whilst still continuing to volunteer and advocate for environmental and landcare issues. Rheanca works within the Darling Downs and Lockyer Valley, however, plays a big role in online advocacy. In 2023, she launched her first event, Paws 4 Climate Action that was solely founded, planned and put into action by her. She attended the AYCC (Australian Youth Climate Coalition) leadership camp, where she was a founding member of the POC (people of colour) Climate Network, captain of Faith and Service Committee in Year 12 (at the Glennie School), a National Online Co-Facilitator for AYCC, and has contributed to Toowoomba for Climate Action activities.
Co-Exist Australia
NextGen Landcare Award
Co-Exist Australia is a non profit, volunteer youth lead movement, with a vision to “inspire generations to co-exist with wildlife & wildplaces, and to ensure the next generation gets outside, values the environment and its effect on humanity. , it’s roots go back to 2020 when its founder Kurt was in Grade 11 in high school. After three years of facing many barriers, knock backs from other organisations and a steep learning curve of organisational governance, Co-Exist was launched in Jan 2023. “Community Collectives” in different regions recruit members and volunteers (school aged to 30 years) from the community – initiating clean ups, tree plantings, recycling projects, education programs in schools, leadership training & social wellbeing & recreation activities. There are now teams in Cairns, Townsville, Noosa, Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Moreton Bay, Gold Coast, Perth, Hobart and collectives launching in Byron Bay & Melbourne in 2024.
Team Turtle CQ
Greyhound Coastcare Award
Team Turtle CQ is a leading citizen science program that relies on local volunteers to record data on marine turtle nesting activity along the Capricorn and Curtis Coasts. The group has been surveying beaches for turtles and nests since 2015 and was launched by Fitzroy Basin Association after a gap in turtle monitoring data in the area was identified. What started as an initial three-year program, with limited volunteers, has grown into a vibrant volunteer group including Team Hatchlings – the volunteer youth arm. The three main types of activities are: Volunteer training and community engagement, Turtle monitoring (citizen science beach monitoring and QTCP census), and QTCP authorised activities (nest protection, nest relocation, emergence success and tagging turtles). TTCQ’s Traditional Custodian engagement is invaluable, with Darumbal TUMRA and Woppaburra TUMRA involved in partnership meetings. With increased monitoring of marine turtles comes improved predator control, reduced light pollution and more nest protection.
Australian Government Sustainable Agriculture Landcare Award
ECOllaboration exists to create and increase resilience in our landscapes and communities. It is a for-purpose environmental organisation operating throughout Southeast Queensland, offering professional services in natural resource management, integrated land management, environmental restoration and consultancy, education and training, and community engagement. Major clients include Seqwater, Healthy Land and Water, Sunshine Coast Council, Queensland Parks and Wildlife, Scenic Rim Regional Council, Queensland Trust for Nature, TMR/Roadtek, and Department of Youth Justice, Employment, Small Business and Training. Recently, ECOllaboration was awarded the Sunshine Coast Australia Day Award in Environment and Sustainability (2022), the North Coast region’s Medium-sized Employer of the Year (2023) in the Queensland Training Awards (QTA) and was a finalist in the QTA for the Community Initiative category (2022). Major projects include South Maroochy Rivercare and Maroochy Waterwatch. Over the past five years, we have engaged 125 landholders in integrated weed management, journeyed with scores of landholders to implement sustainable land management, planted over 25,000 trees, seen 17 kilometres of fencing installed, and trained 137 Certificate I and Certificate III conservation trainees.
Jody Brown
Australian Government Sustainable Agriculture Landcare Award
Jody Brown is a graduate of the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation’s Drought Resilience Leaders Program and has also completed a Queensland Resilient Regions Fellowship with Farmers for Climate Action. She is innovating the way Rangelands graziers communicate, connect & manage their land to maximise landscape health. These peer-to-peer networks are improving rangelands landscape health. Jody is also actively enagaged in managing & improving landscape rehydration in the rangelands & is actively engaged with First Nations producers and locals to ensure that these river & waterway landscapes are managed & preserved for both biological & social function. Jody has been nominated in 2 categories.
Dr Hayley McMillan
Australian Government Climate Innovation Award
Dr Hayley McMillan works tirelessly to support mindful producer engagement in the understanding of emerging climate focused opportunities that relate to their best business interests. She has had the pleasure and privilege to travel to some of Australia’s harshest and most productive grazing country for the purposes of on-farm research, development of extension material, producer field days, producer training courses and industry events/focus groups all focused on climate change driven initiatives. A notable achievement has been the Carbon Neutral Grazier Network achieving a reach of more than 500 members (across northern Australia QLD, NT & WA) who manage 1.5 million head of cattle, sheep and goats across 2.5 million Ha. Hayley has been nominated in 2 categories.
Torres Strait Regional Authority - Land and Sea Rangers
First Nations Landcare Collaboration Award
There are 14 island TSRA Rangers groups that help to sustain and protect the 14 Island Communities that combine traditional and modern conservation. They also celebrate and promote their language and culture with community through performances and events. The TSRA Rangers work in partnership with Traditional Owners, communities, government agencies, researchers and other stakeholders to deliver various projects that support the environmental, social and economic well-being of the Torres Strait including: Indigenous Protected Areas, Traditional Ecological Knowledge, Dugong and Turtle Management, Marine Ecosystem Monitoring, Biodiversity Planning and Management, Sustainable Horticulture and Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience.
Marine Deliens
Women in Landcare Award
Marine is Rainforest Rescue’s Nursery Manager, based in Cow Bay in the heart of the Daintree Rainforest. A self-taught horticulturist, Marine has guided the transformation of Rainforest Rescue’s on-ground operations in the Daintree increasing output by ten-fold to produce 150,000 plants a year. Marine’s vision was to increase nursery growing capacity to support restoration goals, increase biodiversity through enlarging the plant species mix and develop a minimum-impact approach to plant health and regional biosecurity. She works in tandem with our land management and operations teams to support rainforest restoration projects, including large-scale long-term restoration through the Queensland Government’s Land Restoration Fund, community tree planting events, schools workshops and a plant species field guide. Marine has grown the nursery team from just herself to 5 employees from nearby areas and led the training of Eastern Kuku Yalanji (EKY) workers from JYAC, to prepare them for nursery and horticultural tasks when taking over the incumbent restoration nursery.
Natasha Roebig
Women in Landcare Award
Natasha Roebig’s nomination for her outstanding commitment to Landcare activities, particularly in the realm of native bee conservation, illuminates her remarkable dedication and passion for environmental stewardship. Over the past five years, Natasha has immersed herself in projects aimed at raising awareness about native bees’ importance in ecosystems and actively engaging in their rescue and conservation efforts. Through interactive sessions and hands-on activities, Natasha educates community members on the significance of preserving native bee populations, the critical role native bees play in pollination and ecosystem health and the various ways individuals can contribute to their conservation. Natasha has been actively involved in native bee rescue missions, with over 200 native bee colonies rescued since 2014. Natasha’s motivation is deeply rooted in her love for nature and a profound sense of responsibility to future generations.
Lynn Whitfield
Australian Government Individual Landcarer Award
Lynn Whitfield is a dedicated Landcarer and environmentalist of long standing, a qualified geologist and has an extensive background in environmental and natural resource management, including mining regulation. Lynn was a member of the Oxley Creek Environmental Group in the 1980s and early 1990s advocating for the protection of remnant habitat and the environment in her largely urbanised local area within the 270 sq km catchment of Oxley Creek, the largest tributary of the lower (urban) reaches of the Brisbane River. She was a foundation member the Oxley Creek Catchment Association (OCCA) in 1995 whose social enterprise Biodiversity Services Unit, regularly supports 15 or more local Bushcare /Landcare groups and delivers Bushcare rehabilitation activities on contract to both Brisbane and Logan City Councils. She is is a committed volunteer and excellent organiser with a great ability to engage community and volunteers, organise major and minor events on a sustained basis, and negotiate technical and funding support when required. She is an excellent networker, great writer, and skilled science communicator. She is also an innovative ideas person, and is continually looking for improvement and change where necessary.
Rebecca Kirby
Australian Government Individual Landcarer Award
Rebecca Kirby is the current Millmerran Landcare Coordinator and has worked tirelessly in this role for the past 11 years. However, her involvement with Landcare began four years prior first as a volunteer. In 2019-2020, the Millmerran area was heavily affected by the Black Summer bushfires. In response to this event, Rebecca began delivering fire mitigation projects in the Millmerran area, including the organisation of cultural burn workshops and obtaining grant funding to deliver property fire breaks for over 80 properties whom are classified as being high risk to bushfires. Rebecca’s groundbreaking contribution lies in her strategic use of breaks and cool burns, which have proven instrumental in slowing down wildfires. Through workshops, community meetings, and outreach programs, she has empowered her community with the knowledge needed to actively participate in sustainable land management practices.
Darcy Morris
Woolworths Junior Landcare Award
Darcy Morris is a 7 year old boy who dedicates all his free time in school hours and on weekends caring for the school permaculture garden and planting native trees. He is very passionate about native tree revegetation methods at home in his food forest, tree plantings at school, on JCU campus and through Landcare. He has inspired more than 10 children to join his school gardening club where he is in charge if 5 worm farms, a whole permaculture garden, fundraising (the garden is run entirely off fundraising and donations), composting (he daily collects all the compost containers from each classroom and empties), hot composting (raking leaves to add to the hot composter) and helping to organise tree plantings. He has also helped create a frog habitat where children and adults spend time observing the native fauna and the life cycle of a frog in action. He has helped his school receive awards and grants through Townsville Tree planting days.
Brodie Crouch
Australian Government Sustainable Agriculture Landcare Award
Brodie Crouch comes from a farming background, having grown up (and currently living on) a dairy farm in south-east Queensland where habitat restoration was implemented. This inspired Brodie to work in a field that intersects conservation science and agriculture. He became involved in sustainable agriculture and biodiversity conservation because he is very passionate about finding solutions to global food security that also enable us to preserve our wonderful natural environment. He worked in the Brigalow Belt for the duration of his Honours project (one year) and will be continuing to work in the region during his PhD. His research project linked both conservation and agricultural research in a novel way, in an approach that will be essential to improve on-farm biodiversity across Australia.
Westside Christian College Kindergarten
One of the focuses of Westside Christian College Kindergarten is to connect the children to the natural world and develop a life long love of nature, growing, harvesting and cooking with the harvest. Supporting children to understand how important a connection to the natural world helps their physical and mental wellbeing. 67 students were involved in converting the veranda to a space where they wanted to spend time. The seating showcased reuse and upcycling of items which would otherwise be rubbish. They have learnt how to care for and recognize the plants that were planted in pots on the veranda space. The most wonderful part of this project is that each cohort of children that come through our classrooms are able to experience the knowledge and learning that our original group we able to do, giving it incredible longevity.
Edge Early Learning Marsden
Edge Marsden is a progressive early learning center with a long-standing commitment to sustainability and community care. They educate children from birth to 5 years and believe the first 5 years are so important to embedded life skills. They are passionate about gardening, creating areas for children to grow their own flowers and produce. They have created a beehive area and introduced educational shows and learning topics on caring for bees, gardens and worm farms. Each day small groups are involved in watering the plants, weeding the gardens, feeding the worms our food scraps or putting the scraps in our compost bin. Links with other support groups such as Bearded lady honey, little garden growers and local councils helps support our learning with waste, land care and composting. We have been participants in the Logan Eco action festival and also the Logan Eco Awards. When you are on your sustainability journey, it’s about making small changes to create big ones, it’s a holistic approach to learning.
Numinbah Valley Environmental Education Centre
Numinbah Valley Environmental Education Centre (NVEEC) is on Kombumerri Country, part of the wider Yugambeh Language Region. We provide experiential & interactive curriculum-aligned programs for students from Prep to Year 12. The Centre recognises that environmental education is a lifelong process and that in addition to educating students, we also have a key role in informing the wider community about environmental and sustainability issues. This includes initiating and supporting:Environmental and Conservation projects; Community and Education events, conferences and other forums; Volunteering networks;Consultation and Mentoring opportunities. The ‘Numinbah – Holding Tight’ project facilitates high school student and community volunteers’ connection to Country, through restoring wildlife corridors and catchments impacted by natural disasters. NVEEC has been nominated in two categories.
Everton Park Child Care and Development Centre
Everton Park Child Care and Development Centre provides a natural environment which supports children in developing a lifelong passion for learning and a commitment to a sustainable future. As educators they facilitate opportunities for children to authentically connect with, and learn from Country. Located in the heart of Brisbane, they are a long day care centre and approved bush kindy. The outdoor program supports children to develop meaningful, respectful and reciprocal relationships with our environment, and children are encouraged to take on active roles as caretakers. From tending to the gardens, to harvesting crops, caring for chickens, preparing balanced meals and managing compost systems; children are empowered to engage with the full cycle of food, at every stage of production. Through the implementation of a community seed store, they have enhanced learning outcomes for all children and increased participation in Junior Landcare within the community.
Maree Gillott
Maree is a Regenerative Farmer and member of the Organic Growers Association. She is a cattle and quail farmer and is currently trialing organic vanilla. She draws on her wealth of business and legal knowledge and capability, researching and applying sustainable regenerative practices. She leads by example and advocates for landcare practices.Maree originally embedded herself into the community as a new farmer – educating herself and sharing her knowledge particularly in the areas of caring for our most precious asset – the land. As the President of Gympie Landcare she engaged and influenced stakeholders across the region on sustainable Landcare practices.
Malcolm Wells
Malcolm Wells has been dedicated to Landcare work for over 20 years, going over and above to deliver outcomes for people and our environment. Malcolm became involved in Landcare on the Capricorn Coast in 2017 after moving from the Hawkesbury Region in NSW where he ran a bush regeneration company for 14 years.
He initially volunteered his time with great success, as a media person working with local youth group GenYadaba to promote their work and writing stories for local media around their projects.
He later became Landcare president. Malcolm not only cares deeply about the restoration of the ecological values of our area, but the people who volunteer to protect it…. making space for conversations that increase community connection and wellbeing of his volunteers… he often says they are like family to us.
Nive River Cluster Inc
The Nive River Cluster is a collective of 7 land managers collaborating for societal NRM management. Located to the west of Augathella in the upper Warrego catchment, the group have been active for 4 years and have undertaken a myriad of on ground and training works for reduced pest prevalence, water quality and habitat restoration. The group have recently supported Murweh shire in delivering QLD QFPI round 5 investment works. The members of the cluster are active participants in other bodies such as Southern QLD landscapes and Agforce. This cluster is setting the benchmark in southwest qld for collective approaches to NRM management.
Peter Shooter
Peter Shooter is one of natures angels. He has been at the forefront of conservation and landcare, working tirelessly for the benefit of K’gari for over 60 years. He worked on the campaigns to have K’gari recognised as a world heritage listed area and now sits on the World heritage management committee. Peter has also fought environmental battles throughout Queensland as a founding member of Green labor, is a member of the Labor Environmental Action Network and is a very active participation in the fight to save Toondar harbour but his main love in life is organising and conducting weeding trips on behalf of FIDO. A job he has done for around 30 years. He is also the immediate past president of FIDO.
Fraser Island Defenders Organisation
FIDO has been involved in weeding programs on Fraser Island for two decades focussed on the two oldest townships, Eurong and Happy Valley. FIDO now organizes seventeen groups of volunteers to go to Fraser Island each year to spend a week working on controlling the weeds. Volunteers spend a minimum of 20 hours working on the bush regeneration targets set be the team coordinators and spend the rest of the time exploring. FIDO works alongside Qld National Parks QPWS, Butchella Aboriginal Corporation, Happy Valley Association, Kingfisher Bay Resort, Cooloola Coastcare, Fraser Coast Council, FINIA and the K’gari World Heritage Committee. FIDO co sponsors an annual bioblitz, provides education programs such as the recent symposium with the Sunshine Coast University and conducts the biannual John Sinclair Memorial Lecture.
OzFish Central Moreton Bay Chapter
The Central Moreton Bay Chapter of OzFish was formed in 2017 recognising the need to restore the lost shellfish reefs of Moreton Bay. Now with hundreds of members, all passionate about reinvigorating the marine ecosystems of Moreton Bay, they have invested over 13,000 hours into the project. The national Shellfish Revolution project was launched in October 2021 and is located at the Port of Brisbane on land provided by the Port of Brisbane Corporation. The Chapter volunteers have built the largest shell recycling plant in the southern hemisphere to manufacture Robust Oyster Baskets from mild steel. These are filled with recycled shell which produce a chemical signal that attracts spat (baby oysters). These go on to form a mini reef which becomes self-supporting as the mild steel basket rusts away. Each of these mini reefs will support thousands of invertebrates and other marine creatures, creating a vibrant new ecosystem. These keen citizen scientists work alongside PhD candidates and senior scientists to ensure that the project has evidence-based science behind it. The Chapter has been actively introducing other OzFish Chapters to these methodologies and expertise.
OzFish Central Moreton Bay Chapter
The Central Moreton Bay Chapter of OzFish was formed in 2017 recognising the need to restore the lost shellfish reefs of Moreton Bay. Now with hundreds of members, all passionate about reinvigorating the marine ecosystems of Moreton Bay, they have invested over 13,000 hours into the project. The national Shellfish Revolution project was launched in October 2021 and is located at the Port of Brisbane on land provided by the Port of Brisbane Corporation. The Chapter volunteers have built the largest shell recycling plant in the southern hemisphere to manufacture Robust Oyster Baskets from mild steel. These are filled with recycled shell which produce a chemical signal that attracts spat (baby oysters). These go on to form a mini reef which becomes self-supporting as the mild steel basket rusts away. Each of these mini reefs will support thousands of invertebrates and other marine creatures, creating a vibrant new ecosystem. These keen citizen scientists work alongside PhD candidates and senior scientists to ensure that the project has evidence-based science behind it. The Chapter has been actively introducing other OzFish Chapters to these methodologies and expertise.
Gympie South State School
Gympie South State School has nearly 500 children at the school, with a focus on enhancing our natural environment and outdoor learning spaces. Students are engaging heavily in the nature space along with gardening and they are continuing to build on and improve the nature space at the back of the school grounds. This area was completely cleared of pine trees in the past and was left a desolate space that was a significant eye sore. As the area has improved with the introduction of a native plant area, the learners have expressed a desire to introduce an area to support native animals in their habitat and provide spaces for their housing. Gympie Sth SS is committed to enhancing our natural environment and teaching how to support nature – as this will be the future!
Laura Pearson
As a female Indigenous Ranger, Laura delivers sustainable Landcare practices with strong leadership and strategic focus, whilst also inspiring the next generation of rangers. She has been a ranger for over ten years in Torres Strait Regional Authority’s Land and Sea Management Unit. Proudly Kulkalaig (Central cluster) born and raised, she credits her family as her motivation. She works tirelessly to ensure that both Western science and Traditional Ecological Knowledge are integrated into Ranger works, ensuring good outcomes for Traditional Owners and communities. Laura once described the role of women in land and sea management as “like a rock in the middle of the ocean. During strong tides and winds, the rock never moves its ground. When you go further down, there’s a school of fish that hide under the rock for shelter – Malu Ipkazil.”
Messines Farm
Natura Pacific, a distinguished social enterprise registered with Social Traders, the Queensland Social Enterprise Council, and B-Corp, is the visionary behind the transformative project at Messines Farm. Situated in the picturesque Southern Downs just outside of Stanthorpe in Amiens, Messines Farm spans 26 acres. Formerly a conventional stone fruit orchard with over-grazed paddocks, it underwent a remarkable transformation under Natura Pacific’s stewardship – now preserving over 30% of its land as remnant natural ecosystems. The organisation provides invaluable support and expertise to fellow farmers, offering free advice on regenerative farming practices and carbon credit opportunities, tailored on-farm workshops will showcase innovative techniques such as spray drone fertiliser application and biochar utilisation, empowering farmers to adopt sustainable practices across the Southern Downs region, plus community outreach and education initiatives – notably, the production of the documentary series “Back from the Brink”.
North Arm State School
Lifelong learning for the heart, mind and earth. This is North Arm State School’s (NASS) logo and NASS students and community live it and breathe it. Our latest NASS project – the cob garden seats is solidifying our commitment to delivering whole school, high quality environmental and health and wellbeing education. In 2023, the year 6 students designed a garden seating area for the well-established kitchen garden having identified a need for the seating area for garden class times and applied deep consideration to the materials which they deemed suitable for use in building their design. They came up with using cob which is a naturally sourced, sustainable building material. Garden classes incorporate student experiences with local Landcare groups, Sunshine Coast Environmental Education organisation, Kids in Action initiatives, Sunshine Coast University nutrition student placements. NASS has been nominated in 2 categories.
Gulf Rivers Landcare Inc
Gulf Rivers Landcare was recently formed from the merger of Gregory River (founded 2008) and Mount Isa (founded 1992) Landcare Groups. Gulf Rivers Landcare informs the relevant authorities of any issues and seek their support with projects. Relationships have been established with Biosecurity QLD, Weed Spotters Network, Southern Gulf NRM, Queensland Water and Land Carers (QWALC), Mount Isa City Council, Cloncurry and Burke Shire Councils, Mount Isa Water Board, and Sunfish Queensland. They have a robust on-going partnership with the Brisbane based Bulimba Creek Catchment Coordinating Committee (B4C) sending volunteers to assist with projects in the “Outback Landcare Adventures” program. They have also developed a working relationship with the Lake Eyre Basin Rangers. Their motivation is to go out bush with a purpose. We target weed infestations invading our beautiful rangelands, creeks and rivers. We help landholders control patches of bellyache bush, rubber vine, mesquite and coral cactus.
Leichhardt State School
The Garden Club of Leichhardt State School consists of students from Grades 4-6 and runs twice a week. The Garden Club enriches education, fosters holistic learning, teamwork, and community engagement. It instills pride and responsibility, extending beyond gardening skills into landcare management. Students engage in various activities, including researching which vegetables to grow, learning how and when to plant, and taking care of the garden. They also focus on indigenous plants with a deliberate effort to support local ecosystems and enhance biodiversity. The Garden Club has provided a platform for students to develop interpersonal skills, consider the needs of others, and collaborate towards common goals. The students proudly showcase the garden to Elders, the Principal, and School Leadership, fostering a sense of community engagement and pride.
Stephen Michael Baines
Steve Baines has been involved in caring for small Australian Freshwater fish for over 50 years. He is a member of ANGFA and has been President of this organisation previously. He is currently President of QFAS (Queensland Federation of Aquarium Societies) a position he has held for 12 years. He has been involved with the EKKA for nearly 40 years and promotes responsible care of our Native fish. Eighteen months ago he wrote a children’s book entitled “I believe in Rainbows ” a book about dumping of rubbish in and around creeks and rivers. He followed it up the following year with “Rodney meets the space invaders” a book about feral and invasive freshwater fish that affect our waterways. In both these books he mentions and highlights the wonderful work undertaken by Landcare. He has addressed Universities, schools, kindergartens, Environmental Centres, libraries and public forums.
As water supply assets are intergenerational in nature and the need to protect our catchments is an ongoing task. Seqwater has, and will continue to have, a multidecadal association with relevant community based NRM organisations in South-East Queensland. Seqwater recognises that the greatest risk to the health, longevity, and on-ground ability of these essential community NRM organisations is funding insecurity. Especially for providing secure employment for the project officers who hold the trusted relationships with priority landholders. In response, Seqwater uses 5-year funding agreements with existing, reputable landcare/NRM sector organisations in our water supply catchments at sufficient financial scale to make a difference. This enables real change in our source waters via a combination of healthy NRM organisations with a high retention of quality staff and significant financial resources to deliver the outcomes that matter.
Allen Sheather
Allen, dedicated to Daintree conservation for 38 years, volunteers actively, cares for a Nature Refuge, and recently managed construction of Daintree’s largest native nursery. Allen Sheather has been involved in the fight to protect rainforest includes involvement in the WTMA’s Cassowary Recovery Team, Daintree Rainforest Foundation, Daintree Cassowary Care Group (DCCG) and Rainforest Rescue since 1999. Allen’s ecological knowledge is vital to Rainforest Rescue’s identification of vulnerable rainforest to protect and help with the Protect a Rainforest project as one of the valued advisors. He assists with property assessments, ecological reports and species lists. In late 2020, Allen agreed to take on the Project Management role in construction of the largest rainforest restoration nursery in the region – all as an unpaid volunteer.
Murilla Kindergarten Association
Murilla Kindergarten has established an edible garden with support from Woolworths Junior Landcare funding throughout the kindergarten grounds, building new garden beds, planting edible plants, encouraging more buchtucker shrubs around the grounds for both eating and to encourage more friendly habitat of small bugs and beetles. The children are learning the art of worm farming and composting for much better soil nourishment. Some of the shrubs are creating shady places for the children to play in and around. Some families have been inspired to adopt this way of life and have planted their own small vegetable gardens at home or in pot. Other activities include engaging the local gardening group and an excursion to the Columboola Environmental learning centre. The gardens have been warmly welcomed by all families and community groups and members who visit or attend the early learning centre. Since the closing of Landcare Miles office some few years back, many thought Landcare didn’t exist anymore, so having the Murilla Kindergarten intorduce Junior Landcare programs has been extremely beneficial to many.
Reef Check Australia
Reef Check Australia is an innovative citizen science-focused charity dedicated to educating and empowering community volunteers to better understand, appreciate and protect oceans and marine environments in QLD since 2001. As an organisation their mission is to have ‘A world where informed, engaged and empowered communities are stewards of healthy reefs’. They help people help reefs by providing the tools for the community to take affirmative action for reefs. Through a network of trained volunteer scuba divers, reef ambassadors and community volunteers they engage in citizen science, connect people with reef science, and undertake local conservation projects. What makes RCA’s program stand out is that they don’t just train people, they EMPOWER them.
Cap Coast Eco Warriors
The Cap Coast Eco Warriors are a youth led environmental conservation group promoting awareness and opportunities for young people, through hands on activities focused on creating environmental change. Cap Coast Eco Warriors endeavour to provide equal opportunities for all and foster respect through cross culture learning with the First Nations People. Established in Nov 2018 they currently have over 100 members. The children are the primary members of this community group and drive the ideas while the adults are there to support. Cap Coast Eco Warriors exists because the founding youth member Owen Harris (Steadfast Young Leadership Award Winner – QLD) always faced the issue that he was too young to volunteer for many projects. Owen turned this into a mission to get more youth engaged in conservation and looking after the environment. They have great working relationships with many other environmental groups such as Cap Coast Landcare, Capricorn Conservation Council, Tangaroa Blue, Emu Park Bushcare, the local Livingstone Shire Council and more which means there are a lot of amazing learning opportunities.
Snookum Early learning center
Snookums Early Learning Center has started teaching children about life cycles. They have learned how to save our resources and never waste it. Children learn to save some water by washing their hands quickly. The Centre would like to set up the garden bed for toddlers/nursery and Kindy/ Schoolie outdoor space to teach the children about life cycle. There are more than 60 children involved the program. They happy to learn more about it and they will learn how to care about life. The Toddler room already has an indoor green house for toddlers to start gardening, but toddlers need a proper outdoor garden bed for them to explore and involved in.
Nurseryland Childcare Stafford
Nurseryland Childcare Stafford center does not have natural grass or natural trees. The children at the center have created their own eatable garden using planter boxes. The children enjoy learning about plants and picking the food once they have grown. The children learn about sustainability I in their learning. The children are able to take home their veggies form the garden that they have looked after. The staff and children take great pride in learning about their environments through saving water, being sustainable and growing plants throughout the year.
Rural Services Team, Western Downs Regional Council
The Western Downs Regional Council Rural Services Team has a long history of working with their communities to achieve effective and lasting invasive pests management and broader environmental outcomes. Achievements include: Development and implementation of best-practice, broadscale feral pig aerial shooting projects in partnership with co-contributing landholders; Meaningful environmental stewardship of reserves under the control of Council; Partnerships with Bunya Peoples Aboriginal Rangers – burning to control weeds on reserves,protection of scar trees; joint research with BPAR and QPWS on the role of feral pigs in bunya pine dieback; Successfully hosting Invasive Species Qld’s Pest Animal & Weeds Symposium in Dalby in August 2023; Establishment of a monitoring network of over 100 fixed cameras across the 4 million hectare WDRC; and Partnering with Evorta to develop AI programs that sort thousands of camera photos by native species/pest species. WDRC’s Rural Services Team are leaders in the Qld local government sphere and are shaping the way Councils work with their communities.
Householders' Options to Protect the Environment
Since the beginning of the HOPE movement in 1988, we have collaborated with, and led projects with many national, regional and local groups to advocate for and implement practical environmental change. HOPE members believe that as people we can think about the environment globally and act in our own communities locally in a way that’s effective and meaningful. They investigate global environmental issues of concern, trends and ‘good works’ being advocated and/or undertaken then venture to translate these matters into a local context and see what individuals, families and communities can do to minimise adverse impacts to the environment. Over the last three decades HOPE Inc. has worked closely with many local and national environmental organisations. During 2023 they collaborated with University of Southern Queensland (UniSQ) and SQ Landscapes to help manage and host a Weeds Forum to Toowoomba and the wider public; worked with TWMS to build 150 nesting boxes, distributed free-of-charge to landowners and land carers in the community; and provided free drone flyovers for land carers in the Highfields and Crows Nest to inform better resource management on the park and conservation area.
Balmoral House Private Preschool
Balmoral House Private Preschool has approximately 94 children who were involved in growing their own vegetable and herb garden. Over the course of the project, the staff and children have actively learnt about gardening and worked tirelessly to maintain the garden. The children took the initiative as they were naturally curious about growing their own vegetables and herbs. The project targeted water conservation, soil quality, and biodiversity. Landcare learnings included processes such as composting, learning when to pick produce, and the right seasons for different herbs and vegetables. The children actively learnt how to reduce waste as they composted their fruit and vegetable scraps in our worm farm and compost bins which were then used as natural fertilisers for the garden. ‘Sustainability Warriors’ included older children collaborating to ensure that organic scraps were placed in the compost bins and that resources were not consumed where unnecessary. e.g.ensuring the taps and lights are off when not in use. This role also encouraged the children to engage in these practices at home and in the community.
Eric Payne
As a 6-year-old, Eric conceived an idea when listening to round-table conversations regarding cost of living, sustainability, environmental impacts and global warming. After asking a handful of questions he brainstormed ideas and verbalised a proposal to his parents with the idea that young children can make a difference and educate others of all ages. During conversation, Eric was asked to further develop his ideas – noting set up requirements, what actions would be involved, if others were required to assist and if so, how so. Following further investigation and visualisation, he outlined a simple business plan. He derived that he could undertake something similar to subsistence agriculture on a small suburban scale to alleviate the pressures of healthy eating at a sustainable cost whilst educating and encouraging others to do the same. A great deal of time and effort was invested by Eric and his parents to which Grow Green by Eric was created.
Matthew Roberts
Matthew Roberts is the Manager of the Childers Nature Camp, a nature based and eco friendly campground with a focus on getting back to nature with preserving flora and fauna now and into the future. The camp has a tree planting program, recycling, bush revegetation, off grid business and runs environmental education tours. Trees are purchased from Landcare Bundaberg for regeneration of our land contours to divert water ponds and dams to retain water for wildlife and tree watering, planting of rainforest species along the creek to create a self sustainable ecosystem in a dry arid bushland. Matthew is dedicated to regeneration of a place for people to come and enjoy a safe place for wildlife & the prevention of climate change.
Jessica Lovegrove-Walsh
Jessica Lovegrove-Walsh is both a dedicated conservationist and a visionary young leader who established Friends of Nerang National Park in 2020 then Friends of Parks Queensland (FoPQ) in 2022. Witnessing the surge in “Friends of Parks” volunteers in her local Gold Coast area during the COVID-19 pandemic, she recognised the need for an organisation to support these dedicated groups who work in our natural areas assisting national park managers and rangers. She conceived, organised and garnered support and funding for FoPQ, aiming to support these unheralded champions of conservation and foster collaboration between groups. Within two years, FoPQ has secured establishment funding from Queensland Government and met or exceed Departmental milestones and growth targets, with 30 member organisations and a successful record in facilitating grant applications. Jess involves herself in a wide range of conservation roles, undertaking field work on threatened species with Wildlife Qld and coordinating the Quoll Society of Australia (as Secretary/Ecologist). With a commitment to nature conservation focused in particular on greater gliders, quolls, rock-wallabies and bandicoots. Her initiatives include engaging volunteers in hands-on conservation work and promoting environmental stewardship among local communities, holding countless field days, implementing extensive weed management plans, restoring and revegetating areas of habitat and monitoring and recording native wildlife.
Cr Rosanna Natoli Madam Mayor, Sunshine Coast | Mr Andrew Powell MP Member for Glass House | Ms Brittany Lauga MP Member for Keppel |
Cr Geoff McDonald Mayor, Toowoomba | Mr Shane Knuth MP Member for Hill | Mr Pat Weir MP Member for Condomine |
Cr Carla Pidgeon Southern Downs Regional Council | Mr Trevor Watts MP Member for Toowoomba North | Mr David Janetzki MP Member for Toowoomba South |
Mr Tony Perrett MP Member for Gympie | Ms Michelle Landry MP Member for Capricornia | Mr David Littleproud MP Leader of National Party |
Mr Mark Furner MP Member for Ferny Grove | Mr Garth Hamilton Member for Groom | Cr Glenn Tozer Gold Coast |