Naturally Together – Online Forums and Regional Workshops
Past Events
Fire Ant Eradication Program _QWALC Online Forum
12pm December 1
with Jen Corsbie
Jen is an Engagement Officer for the National Fire Ant Eradication Program. Jen will be presenting information on the impacts of fire ants, particularly our natural environment, by demonstrating the destructive, invasive and dangerous nature of fire ants.
She will introduce the program’s plan to eradicate this super pest and the methods of how this will be done, and your part in eliminating fire ants from Australia.
Eradicating fire ants from Australia requires a whole-of-community effort. Get involved!
Missed It? A video of the presentation will be available shortly
Introducing Bug Hunt _QWALC Online Forum
with Jess Ward-Jones
Jess is the Citizen Science Project Officer for the Invasive Species Council. She will be introducing the new citizen science program, Bug Hunt.
Keeping Our Volunteers Safe and Involved _QWALC Workshop
Thursday September 28, 9.30 for 10am – 2pm
Groups can improve their skills in keeping your volunteers safe, volunteer management and how to keep your volunteers engaged.
Supported by Gympie & District Landcare Group this workshop addresses:
- Safety Management
o Insurance – understanding insurance policies to keep committees and volunteers safe
o Risk Assessment Documents Sign on Sheet
o First Aid Requirements
- Volunteer Engagement and Retention
- Knowing Our Place
o Member Survey results
o QWaLC Board
o National Landcare Network
Prior registration is essential. Simply click on the button below.
Keeping Our Volunteers Safe and Involved _QWALC Workshop
Tuesday September 26, 9.30 for 10am – 2pm
Groups can improve their skills in keeping your volunteers safe, volunteer management and how to keep your volunteers engaged.
Supported by Oxley Creek Catchment Association this workshop addresses:
- Safety Management
o Insurance – understanding insurance policies to keep committees and volunteers safe
o Risk Assessment Documents Sign on Sheet
o First Aid Requirements
- Volunteer Engagement and Retention
- Knowing Our Place
o Member Survey results
o QWaLC Board
o National Landcare Network
Prior registration is essential. Simply click on the button below.
Keeping Our Volunteers Safe and Involved _QWALC Workshop
Groups can improve their skills in keeping your volunteers safe, volunteer management and how to keep your volunteers engaged.
Supported by Pioneer Catchment Landcare this workshop addresses:
- Safety Management
o Insurance – understanding insurance policies to keep committees and volunteers safe
o Risk Assessment Documents Sign on Sheet
o First Aid Requirements
- Volunteer Engagement and Retention
- Knowing Our Place
o Member Survey results
o QWaLC Board
o National Landcare Network
Australian Association of Bush Regenerators _QWALC Online Forum
with Peter Dixon
Peter will be giving an overview of the Australian Association of Bush Regenerators, its activities and its plans, how it works with communities and community led ecological restoration. He will speak about Facilitated Natural Regeneration (bush regeneration), the importance of maximising ecological resilience in Landcare and other community biodiversity management programs. He will touch on the challenges already being faced by Landcare groups with extreme weather and climate change and how AABR is working towards linking restoration science with on ground regenerators.
Peter has 35 years experience in urban ecological management, bush regeneration, community engagement, education and training, catchment management, program design and grant program management.
Now running a small consultancy, Peter was previously Director of the NSW Environmental Trust, the NSW Floodplain Management Grants Program and the NSW Coastal and Estuary Grants Program. As the major external funder to community, NGO and local council environmental management programs in NSW, he gained a detailed understanding of the needs and constraints of grantees and was instrumental in developing programs to meet the needs of applicants and the environment.
He previously led the Sydney Metropolitan Catchment Management Authority and also worked extensively in the Sydney region as a Landcare/Bushcare facilitator and a bush regenerator. In his voluntary capacity, Peter is the convenor of a highly successful Bushcare group on the Duck River in Sydney, he helped to form and run the Volunteer Coordinators’ Network for 20 years (the network of Bushcare and Landcare Coordinators) and is currently President of the Australian Association of Bush Regenerators.
Missed it??? You can watch the video of the presentation below!
Keeping Our Volunteers Safe and Involved _QWALC Workshop
Groups can improve their skills in keeping your volunteers safe, volunteer management and how to keep your volunteers engaged.
Supported by Condamine Catchment Management Group this workshop addressed:
- Safety Management
o Insurance – understanding insurance policies to keep committees and volunteers safe
o Risk Assessment Documents Sign on Sheet
o First Aid Requirements
o Conservation Volunteers Au https://conservationvolunteers.com.au/safety-management-toolkit/
- Volunteer Engagement and Retention
- Knowing Our Place
o Member Survey results
o QWaLC Board
o National Landcare Network
My Governance Journey_Online forum
Amanda Nixon, Senior Manager Initiatives, Volunteering Queensland
Volunteering Queensland recently launched a new online tool to help volunteers understand and learn more about taking on roles of your volunteer boards and committees.
Navigating a path through the topic called Governance for volunteers is notoriously difficult.
Across Queensland thousands of volunteers sit around tables late into the night making decisions, reviewing finances and planning ahead to make sure the local organisations that are the lifeblood of our community keep doing what they do.
My Governance Journey is a plain English guide to what you need to know when you join a Committee or Board and points people to the best available resources depending on where they are on their journey as a Governance member.
Knowing what you are getting into makes the journey a more enjoyable experience.
Join Amanda Nixon from Volunteering Queensland, as she guides you through the My Governance Journey tool and the many resources it has on offer.
Missed it??? You can watch the video of the presentation below!
Learning about Nature Together through Landcare and Citizen Science
Jessie Oliver, Executive Officer, Australian Citizen Science Association
Are you keen to grow your knowledge about nature and whether your actions are helping? Do you enjoy activities that help plants, animals, and their ecosystems? Are you interested in advocating for nature?
If you answer yes to any of these questions, join Jessie to explore how you can engage with Landcare and scientific research that can support informing us all about nature. This talk will feature a plethora of ways Landcare and citizen science activities can be synergised to help us and our ecosystems thrive.
Missed it??? You can watch the video of the presentation below!

Queensland Wetlands Program
Mike Ronan, Manager of the Wetlands Program in the QLD Department of Environment and Science
WetlandInfo was developed through the Queensland Wetlands Program as a “first-stop-shop” for wetlands information in Queensland. It covers all aspects of wetlands management from mapping and policy to on-ground tools and communication materials. While it is designed for the wetlands and catchments in Queensland, it has a wealth of information for wetlands outside the state.
Join Mike Ronan, Manager of the Wetlands Program in the Department of Environment and Science while he takes us through the website and demonstrates the tools that are available for Water and Land Carers to undertake their work.
Missed it??? You can watch the video of the presentation below!