‘Keeping it Local’, this year Queensland Water and Land Carers (QWaLC) have moved away from one central conference to allow greater opportunities for participation, sharing and celebrating what makes our local Queensland groups great.
2017 Local Landcare Forums
Brisbane, 24 November
QWaLC Annual General Meeting, Local Groups Expo, Queensland Landcare Awards 2017
Brisbane International Hotel Virginia
Sandgate Rd and Zillmere Rd Boondall Qld 4034
8.30am to 5.00pm
Guest Speaker at the Queensland Landcare Awards
Dr Cameron Murray is an economist with a passion for improving society. He specialises in property markets, resource and environmental economics, and corruption. His research on grey corruption in Australia has been transformed into a book called Game of Mates: How favours bleed the nation. The book explains how the Game of grey corruption is played, how much it costs us, and what we can do about it.
To register as a speaker or an attendee, contact: Darryl Ebenezer, darryl@qwalc.org.au
Rockhampton, 1 December
To register as a speaker or an attendee, contact: Jeff Krause, jkrause@capcatchments.org.au
Cooktown, 6th December
Working with Young Landcarers
Jabalbina Ranger Base
8.30am to 4.00pm
To register as a speaker or an attendee, contact: Ali Ward, ali@scyc.com.au
South Cape York Catchments, Jabalbina and QWaLC
These one day events, supported by QWaLC and local member groups, will give groups the opportunity to share:
– their best project over the past 12 months,
– how they plan to reinvigorate their group in coming months,
– how they have linked up with other organisations to achieve local priorities.
QWaLC’s local Board Members will share the work that QWaLC does in advocating on behalf of volunteer groups and highlight the services and benefits available to member groups.
Mount Isa Community Landcare Forum, 23 September (Completed)
Mount Isa Civic Centre
10am – 3pm
To register as a speaker or an attendee, contact: Mark van Ryt, mark.vanryt@bigpond.com
Dalby, 14 October (Completed)
Dalby Senior Citizens Hall
To register as a speaker or attendee, contact: MaryLou Gittins, lcows@bigpond.com
Cairns, 18 October (Completed)
Cairns Yacht Squadron
Topic: ‘Eco Tourism opportunities for rainforest and coastal management groups’
Contact: Melissa, communications@qwalc.org.au
EcoCulture Forum Flyer