The idea is to take people who have lost their jobs due to COVID-19, especially in tourism impacted regions, and redeploy them into temporary roles undertaking practical work such as restoring coastal habitats, tackling weeds and pests, planting trees, building National Park infrastructure and repairing river banks. It is perfect work for young people who can’t get employment, or tourism and hospitality workers who are facing a long shut down and decline in their industry.

COVID-19 has dealt a hammer blow to our economy and, with hundreds of thousands of workers having lost their job, it is clear that decisive action and unprecedented investment is needed to temper the worst social and economic impacts of this crisis.
A detailed proposal for a jobs-rich conservation and land management economic stimulus program has been developed by over 70 organisations including Landcare, National Farmers Federation, NRM Regions Australia, the Australian Land Conservation Alliance and the Australian Conservation Foundation. This program could provide safe, meaningful and socially beneficial work during the period of economic recovery that will leave enduring benefits for the environment, local communities, tourism and farm businesses.
What can you do?
Well an easy thing to do is write, email, text or visit your local decision maker and let them know you support Ministers Ley and Littleproud in any budget proposal they might progress that helps create jobs in Queensland.
The Queensland’s governments recent $10 million Reef Assist program is a great start.
There is much more to do and plenty more jobs to create.