FRRR is delighted to be launching the first round of the Future Drought Fund’s Networks to Build Drought Resilience program. Funded through the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund, the program will offer funding to enable communities to become more prepared for and resilient to drought.
How will it work?
Over the next 18-months, the program will distribute $4.5 million across remote, rural and regional Australia in agriculture-dependent communities that are vulnerable to drought. Grants can fund events, projects, activities, training, and small-scale infrastructure that assists communities to build their capacity by strengthening social and community networking, support, engagement, and wellbeing. Note, all project activity must be completed by 27 June 2022.
How much can I apply for?
This first round will fund approximately 50 grants to not-for-profit organisations, with grants ranging from $10,000 to $150,000.
What type of activities do the grants support?
The Future Drought Fund’s Networks to Build Drought Resilience program will fund events, projects, activities, training, and small-scale infrastructure that assist communities to build their capacity by strengthening social and community networking, support, engagement, and wellbeing to be more prepared for, and resilient to, the impacts of drought under four opportunity types, details of which are set out on our website.
The proposed project must be for charitable purposes and offer clear public benefit. Organisations can submit one application per grant round.
Who can apply?
You can apply if you are a not-for-profit organisation in remote, rural, or regional Australia with an ABN or Incorporation Certificate in an area that is agriculture-dependent. Organisations with or without DGR-1 endorsement are eligible.
A full list of criteria is detailed in the Program Guidelines. Applicants are highly encouraged to read the guidelines before applying.
Want to know more?
To learn more about the program, the types of initiatives the program will support, how to apply, and download the guidelines, visit our website: https://frrr.org.au/networks.