This year the Queensland Water and Land Carer’s Incorporated AGM will be held on
Thursday 16th November 10.30am
Go to for AGM 2023 RSVP, Zoom Pre-Register and AGM Papers
QWaLC AGM 2022
This year the Queensland Water and Land Carer’s AGM was held on
Wednesday 23rd November from 10am to 10.45am via Zoom or in person participation (Brisbane CBD).
QWaLC Annual Report 2021 2022 pdf
QWaLC Annual Report 2021 2022 flip format
QWaLC 2021-22 financials download
3rd November 2021 QWaLC AGM Minutes
QWaLC AGM via Zoom
Wed 3rd November 2021
10 am – 10.45 am
ZOOM details will be provided on RSVP
Notice of AGM
QWaLC AGM 3 November 2021 Notice of Meeting Agenda RSVP and Proxy forms
QWaLC Annual Report 2020 2021 Web
This year’s successful QWaLC AGM was held in Toowoomba as well as online via ZOOM
10am to 11am
Toowoomba City Library Level 3
cnr Victoria and Herries Streets Toowoomba
ZOOM details will be provided on RSVP
Notice of AGM
Previous minutes

2019 AGM
Pullman Cairns International Hotel
17 Abbot Street Cairns Qld
11am -12pm (light lunch provided)
The results of the elections and make up of the board for the next year 2019-20 are as follows South East Queensland Brian Venz (returned via ballot) Queensland Murray Darling Geoff Elliot Chair Northern and Southern Gulf John Brisbin South West Cameron Tickell Wet Tropics Rhonda Sorensen Condamine MaryLou Gittins (returned via ballot) Secretary Burnett Mary Phil Moran Cape York Jason Carroll Deputy Chair Burdekin Dry Tropics/Mackay Whitsunday Graham Armstrong Treasurer Fitzroy Shelly McArdle Desert Channels Ann Ballinger Mark Van Ryt has completed his terms and is replaced by John Brisbin. Peter Stevens has completed his terms. At the board meeting before the AGM the board elected the Chair, Deputy Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. The new board and the office bearers were declared and endorsed at the 8th Nov 2019 AGM in Cairns

7th November 2018
11am – 1pm AGM (Light Lunch provided)
Guest speaker and
meet your Board members
MAS Meeting Room
2nd Floor
Ibis Styles Brisbane
40 Elizabeth Street – Brisbane QLD 4000
2nd December 2016
11am to 1pm (including a light lunch)
Mantra 570 Queen St, Brisbane City QLD 4000
(Teleconference Facilities available)
2016 Board Election Results (endorsed 2nd December 2016)
Desert Channels – Helen Ogg (Wokingham Landcare Group)
South West – Scott Sargood (Wellwater Cluster Inc)
Queensland Murray Darling – Geoff Elliot (Inglewood and Texas Landcare Assoc.)
Northern and Southern Gulf – Mark Van Ryt (Mount Isa Landcare Group Inc)
South East Queensland – Naomi Edwards (Intrepid Landcare)
Wet Tropics – John Reghenzani (Malanda and Upper Johnstone Catchment Group)
Peter Stevens (Lake Baroon Catchment Care) Board Appointment for one year
Condamine – MaryLou Gittins (Condamine Catchment Management Association) Board Appointment
QWaLC Board Nomination Form 2016 (Now Closed)
Board Information Form 2016
Board Nomination Details
Thank you for considering becoming a Board Member of Queensland Water and Land Carers Inc (QWaLC).
Being a board member of QWaLC can be an extremely rewarding experience and bring a great deal of personal satisfaction. Board Members are dedicated to the organisation’s members, its legal responsibilities and ethical values.
Board Members have the opportunity to make a difference for the on ground volunteer sector by showing leadership, and in turn, make new contacts and network with peers to increase knowledge about community natural resource management.
The term is three years, with a maximum of two consecutive terms.
QWaLC is calling for nominations for the Board of Management for the year 2016.
QWaLC Regions requiring an election in 2016 are
Desert Channels (nomination received)
Condamine (no nomination received)
South West (nomination received)
Queensland Murray Darling (nomination received)
Northern and Southern Gulf (nomination received)
South East Queensland (Ballot underway)
Wet Tropics (nomination received)
Board Elections Key Dates 2016
By the 5th September all relevant member groups notified
Nominations close 19th September 2016 (Now Closed)
Polling date is the 17th October 2016
The ballot for South East Queensland region has now been completed.
Information has been provided to member groups with a ballot paper to be returned by the 17th October 2016.
As a member of QWaLC, your group is eligible to nominate or second a representative and vote in any election that may occur where more than one nomination is received for that region.
- QWaLC is a not-for-profit incorporated association, governed by a Constitution under the Associations Incorporation Act 1981
- The Board of Management consists of eleven (11) Regional Board Members, and an indigenous representative
- The Board of Management meets quarterly
- QWaLC employs a CEO
Member groups of QWaLC are asked to propose or second any one of their members for the position of Board Member representing their region.
The nomination must be in writing and signed by the nominee and a duly authorised representative of the proposer and second member group in the same region on the appropriate Nomination Form.
Ballot papers will be prepared containing names of the candidates in alphabetical order. Each Member group of QWaLC in the relevant region (as at the 19th September 2016) is entitled to register one vote for the candidate they wish to have represent their region.
Nominees are required to provide a brief outline (no more than two pages) of the knowledge and experiences they can contribute to QWaLC:
- Past and current volunteer involvement in Landcare, Coastcare, Bushcare, Wildlife preservation etc.
- Existing (or past) relationships you may have had with various stakeholders within the region (industry, local government, regional networks).
- Demonstrate your understanding of issues impacting on NRM volunteer groups in achieving sustainable natural resource management in your area.
- Any specialised skills or passions you may be able to bring to the Board.
- Ability to attend up to 4 board meetings each year and participate in events like the State Landcare Conference.
1. Tied votes in a Region
Nominees will be evaluated by a randomly selected panel of up to five ordinary member groups from the region involved.
2. One Nomination from a Region
A voting process is not required where only one nomination is received.
Where the nomination is deemed by the QWaLC Board to be of the appropriate standard then that nominee will be endorsed by the QWaLC Board to hold that position until the time of the next due election for that region.
3. No Nominations from an Electorate
The position shall be held open and may be filled as a casual vacancy.
An ordinary member group may propose and second any one of their members for the position of Board Member representing their region. The position will be filled as a casual vacancy by the first suitable applicant that effectively addresses the selection criteria and obtains QWaLC Board endorsement.
This person shall hold the position without challenge until the time of the next election for that region, when the position will be called vacant and nominations called for in the manner outlined in the Constitution.
Darryl Ebenezer
Queensland Water and Land Carers Inc.
Phone: 07 3844 4032 Email: