NAIDOC Week July 3 – 10

NAIDOC Week July 3 – 10

What is your group doing this NAIDOC Week?? National NAIDOC Week celebrations are held across Australia to celebrate and recognise the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC Week is an opportunity for all Australians...
Wildlife Emergency Response Units

Wildlife Emergency Response Units

Wildcare Australia Inc volunteers responded to the Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast bushfires in September 2019 which highlighted the need to be fully prepared to respond to future bushfires and other natural disaster events. During the 2019 bushfires, Wildcare...
Wildlife Fodder Plantation

Wildlife Fodder Plantation

Wildcare Australia Inc The 2019 bushfires, other natural events such as flooding and prolonged drought, and increased development in South-east Queensland has significantly reduced accessible natural areas for wildlife volunteers to source high quality native food to...
Protecting Springbrook National Park

Protecting Springbrook National Park

Springbrook WeedBusters Regrowth from the 2019 bushfires shows how vulnerable the Springbrook National Park is to weed incursion. Springbrook WeedBusters is a relatively new group focussed on weeding activities and landowner education. With almost $20,000 from the...