Thanks to funding from the Queensland Government and the ongoing support of AON we have renewed insurance coverage for all QWaLC member groups until 31st March 2021.
All member groups who have completed this years membership and insurance survey will receive, via email, the new certificates of currency. If you don’t receive your new certificates by the 1st April you will need to contact Darryl.
In these different and challenging times we all need to follow the most recent information from trusted sources about COVID-19.

QWaLC will soon have a general information page with resources about the virus. In the meantime we provide some links to trusted sources of information.
Download a free epidemic/pandemic policy template
You may need to cancel or postpone events, meetings or gatherings. If you have any questions or unsure as to what you should do about your group, volunteers and activities please give Darryl a call or send an email.