Qld govt cuts paperwork for fundraising reporting

Red tape cuts for all Australian charities that conduct fundraising are now in place, with the latest reform now taking effect in Queensland. Charities that conduct fundraising in Queensland which are registered with the Australian Charities and...
Global Landcare book launch

Global Landcare book launch

Global Landcare is launching the book Building Global Sustainability Through Local Self Reliance: Lessons From Landcare August 22, 2022 5.30pm to 7.00pm in Sydney, Sappho Books, Cafe and Bar, 51 Glebe Point Road, Glebe. This book has been published and will be...
National Landcare Conference about to get underway

National Landcare Conference about to get underway

POWER OF LANDCARE | SHAPING OUR FUTURE The 2022 National Landcare Conference will include speakers on urban landcare, Landcare Farming, wellbeing and mental health, cultural land management, innovation and technology, soil health, young farmers, building community...

Reef Assist 2.0 program

Reef Assist 2.0 is focused on the creation of skill development and job opportunities, including for unemployed and under-employed people, youth, women and First Nations people. The aim of Reef Assist 2.0 is to support the development of training and partnering...