2021 National Landcare Conference Early Bird

2021 National Landcare Conference Early Bird

2021 National Landcare Conference Early Bird delegate registrations will close on May 1 WEDNESDAY 4 TO FRIDAY 6 AUGUST, 2021 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION CENTRE, DARLING HARBOUR, SYDNEY For information about the conference program please visit:...

Not for Profit Insurance Week

12th to 16th April 2021 Next week a series of five free webinars are available to participate in. Our Community and AON are providing these resources.  Learn more about Not-for-Profit Insurance Week here  Fundraising at Your Not-for-Profit: Prize Indemnity Insurance...

Dung together with the beetles in South West Qld

South West Queensland Dung Beetle Field Day Friday the 23rd April 2021 8.30am to 3pm at Halton Station 45km east of Charleville on the Charleville Morven Highway SWQ-Dung-Beetle-Field-Day-FlyerDownload https://dungbeetleexpert.com.au Supported by MLA, Landcare...

Insurance coverage continues

QWaLC has finalised ongoing insurance coverage for all QWaLC member groups (until 31st March 2022). Due to a quite volatile and difficult insurance market it took a bit longer this year to ensure that the coverage available was suitable across our diverse membership....

Landcare Webinar series

Landcare Webinar series

Landcare Webinar Series – Register Today  The Landcare Webinar Series is helping to bring together the many people involved in a diverse range of landcare activities across Australia. You can access this wealth of knowledge that exists in the landcare community...

Commonwealth Government 2021 Volunteer Grants

Better get in touch with your local Member of Parliament, have a chat and see if you can be nominated. Expressions of Interest open — 2021 Volunteer GrantsThe Australian Government is inviting organisations via a restricted non-competitive process to apply for a...

Community Sustainability Action Grants Round 5

Litter and Marine Debris Clean up and Prevention Funding for Round 5 - Litter and Marine Debris Clean up and Prevention of the Community Sustainability Action grants is now available for projects which seek to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill and/or litter...

Vale Geoff Elliot

It is with profound sadness that I write on behalf of the QWaLC Board and staff about the loss of our Chair and friend, Geoff Elliot on the 26th February 2021.  Our thoughts are with his family and friends at this sad time. Geoff was a...

Reef Water Quality Report Card 2019

The Reef Water Quality Report Card 2019 was released today by the Federal Minister for the Environment Sussan Ley and Queensland Minister for the Environment and the Great Barrier Reef Meaghan Scanlon. The interactive Reef Water Quality Report Card 2019 is available...

EPBC Act final report

EPBC Act final report

QWaLC welcomes the release of the final report of the second Independent Statutory Review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, led by Professor Graeme Samuel AC. You can read the report here including the 38 recommendations....

QWaLC 2021 Membership and Insurance survey underway and now due

QWaLC 2021 Membership and Insurance survey underway and now due

Responses are now due and the survey closes today 5pm 12th March (if you are really struggling with time the 15th March will be okay) You should have received an email from Lane by now. In early February we distributed via email the link for the QWaLC 2021 Membership...

General Jeffery Soil Health Awards

The General Jeffery Soil Health Award is open to any individual farmer, land manager, extension specialist or educator who is making an outstanding contribution to improving soil health in Australia. NOMINATIONS OPEN DECEMBER 5 AND CLOSE MARCH 31, 2021....

There is still time to have your say

There is still time to have your say

Firstly, to anyone who has completed the State of Volunteering in Queensland survey for volunteer involving organisations THANK YOU!The survey has been open for 3 weeks and whilst we have seen a great response, we do not have a sufficient amount of responses from...