Landcare Led Bushfire Recovery

May 3, 2021
QWaLC welcomed $14 million for post-Black Summer bushfire recovery grants to support regeneration and community resilience
Federal Environment Minister Sussan Ley today announced a landmark $14 million for Landcare led bushfire recovery projects in the rainforests of SEQ Queensland, New South Wales, the Australian Capital Territory, Victoria and South Australia. The funding will support Landcare led bushfire recovery projects in seven Commonwealth government designated bushfire regions impacted by the Black Summer bushfires of 2019/2020.

23 successful projects in Queensland are supported by QWaLC and funded through the The $14M Landcare Led Bushfire Recovery project supported by the Australian Government’s Bushfire Recovery for Wildlife and their Habitat.

Our Queensland Stories

Wildlife Emergency Response Units

Wildlife Emergency Response Units

Wildcare Australia Inc volunteers responded to the Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast bushfires in September 2019 which highlighted the need to be fully prepared to respond to future bushfires and other natural disaster events. During the 2019 bushfires, Wildcare...

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Wildlife Fodder Plantation

Wildlife Fodder Plantation

Wildcare Australia Inc The 2019 bushfires, other natural events such as flooding and prolonged drought, and increased development in South-east Queensland has significantly reduced accessible natural areas for wildlife volunteers to source high quality native food to...

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Protecting Springbrook National Park

Protecting Springbrook National Park

Springbrook WeedBusters Regrowth from the 2019 bushfires shows how vulnerable the Springbrook National Park is to weed incursion. Springbrook WeedBusters is a relatively new group focussed on weeding activities and landowner education. With almost $20,000 from the...

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Gold Coast Hinterland Rainforest Fire Protection Trails

Gold Coast Hinterland Rainforest Fire Protection Trails

Austinville Landcare The Gold Coast and Hinterland, has historically been considered relatively safe from severe bushfires. In 2019, for the first time in recorded history, fire penetrated deep into rainforest areas of Lamington National Park. With climate change it...

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The Great Cane Toad Bust

The Great Cane Toad Bust

Watergum and Clarence Landcare Clarence Landcare in NSW and Watergum have come together to deliver the Great Cane Toad Bust with funds from a Landcare Led Bushfire Recovery Grant. Recent research has shown a boom in cane toad numbers and an accelerated geographical...

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Hollow Log Home Nest box replacement

Hollow Log Home Nest box replacement

Coolum and North Shore Coast Care Coolum and North Shore Coast Care (CaNSCC) is excited to report that 21 Hollow Log Home nesting boxes have been installed between Maroochy River and Stumers Creek in Conservation Reserves and Bushland Parks in addition to the existing...

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Kilcoy Landcare Festivals

Kilcoy Landcare Festivals

Brisbane Valley - Kilcoy Landcare Landcare festivals will be held in two small communities in the Somerset region that were significantly affected by bushfire. Brisbane Valley – Kilcoy Landcare has arranged a program of speakers, information, music and food as part of...

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Recovery Action Critical for Scenic Rim Wildlife Corridors

Recovery Action Critical for Scenic Rim Wildlife Corridors

Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland - Scenic Rim  Many threatened species stand to benefit from the work of the Scenic Rim branch of the Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland (WPSQ) who have been establishing corridors between existing habitat refuges...

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Riparian Restoration Headwaters in Back Creek

Riparian Restoration Headwaters in Back Creek

Beechmont District Landcare Association  Fire danger and rapid urban development compromise the very few remaining fragments of pre-pioneer ecosystems on the Beechmont Plateau, one of which was severely impacted by the 2019 fire. Beechmont District Landcare...

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